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Last Post 5/19/2008 3:09 PM by  Ron Miles
Douglas Wojtowicz
 15 Replies
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5/15/2008 7:39 PM

    so what have you guys here heard about this fellow. I know his one book Doom Prophecy is very popular, although I have not read it.

     I see our old buddy one eye chills has reviewed the latest book and not to kindly.

       seems since the new format things are a bit slower here.

      I kinda like the new look. but kinda am missing the old layout. seemed easier to

     check out.   anyway hope all are well. 

     gonna order the new book  regardless of what amazons #1 deathlands and outlanders reviewer says about them.  the guy seems pretty happy with himself.

      I didn't think much of his review.

     anyone else got any new thoughts on this goober!

    Cerberus Man
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    5/15/2008 8:16 PM

    I guess the warden finally granted Michael Goodwin limited internet access.

    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    New Member
    New Member

    5/15/2008 9:01 PM

    Where is this review?  Amazon?


    I know I called shenanegans on his hatchet job on Hard Pursuit - "not enough survivalist manual stuff!"


    Duh - you wanna wrestle rats for creamed corn, check out Deathlands.  Mack Bolan is sheer low drag pulp.  Or didn't the arab ninja biker riders from hell tip anyone off?


    Oh, and hai, I'm Douglas Wojtowicz.  Latest, but never the greatest of the James Axlers. (That'd be Mark Ellis.)

    New Member
    New Member

    5/16/2008 8:34 AM

    [QUOTE]Cerberus Man wrote

    I guess the warden finally granted Michael Goodwin limited internet access.


    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    5/16/2008 9:04 AM

    Big bloody shocker 1IQ has tried to come back here under a pseudonym... you know, it's ironic that for a guy who hates the fandom as much as he does, how often he tries to get back into the forums.

    Just last week the prick tried to get back on Mark's site under a different pseudonym.


    New Member
    New Member

    5/16/2008 1:56 PM

    Johnny Cash once said, if the right people hate you, then you're doing something right.


    Between Goodwin - who I reported to Amazon for his hatchet attacks on Mark, so then he turned his attention to me (because nobody else really seemed willing to call in the Amazon TOS folks) - and other bitter, misanthropic rejects who hate Gold Eagle because they were rightfully rejected, I'm doing DARN fine, thank you.


    Pour the hate on me.  Your bitterness is my milk.

    Cerberus Man
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    5/16/2008 4:16 PM

    [QUOTE]Outlanders wrote

    Big bloody shocker 1IQ has tried to come back here under a pseudonym... you know, it's ironic that for a guy who hates the fandom as much as he does, how often he tries to get back into the forums.

    Just last week the prick tried to get back on Mark's site under a different pseudonym.



    Then he's even more ridiculous than I thought.



    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    5/16/2008 8:29 PM

    Meh, you know, the best thing is just to ignore it. He attempted to start something by posting inane comments on my review of Grailstone Gambit, and frankly, I just ignored it.

    It's a pure psychological disorder. He craves attention, positive or negative, and he's only happy when he gets it. If you ignore it, that will drive him nuts.

    Besides, knowing that ignoring him has that effect is far more satisfying than giving in to the baiting.

    Seriously, you should check out his comments under Grailstone Gambit, it's actually funny it's so pathetic.

    Eventually, if it is 1IQ, he'll show his true colors and he'll get himself banned. It happens every time.


    New Member
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    5/16/2008 9:46 PM

    well HOWDY there Douglas!  it's a pleasure. I will look forward to reading your contribution to the series.

           hey,  I didn't mean to give ole 1iq any attention.  I just went to amazon to checkout if the new book was out yet and  the 1st thing I saw was his review and it just cheesed me off a little.  I hit NO the review was not helpful!  I think he doesn't comprehend as well as he could since his wife has to read the friggin' books TO him.   anyway glad to have someone other than the usual host of idiots fillin' in for Mark.   I got the Doom Prophecy in my to read stack so I will just move it on up now.  

             best to ya,


    ps ...lokheed I had to re-register as I changed my email and couldn't remember my  password. yea I feel like an idiot. sorry. so you can delete cardstuntman as that is me now.  again sorry for being a little dumb. 

    New Member
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    5/17/2008 2:28 AM

    so, like is there a review for Pantheon on Amazon already?



    New Member
    New Member

    5/18/2008 7:39 PM

    [QUOTE]Skaramine wrote

    so, like is there a review for Pantheon on Amazon already?




     oh yea,  he loved the extra at the end of ghostwalk. said you might be the next Victor Milan and he loves the Quote "something between a cross of Battletech/Transformers"

      so there you are straight from the horses mouth  and don't ever forget he is Amazons # 1 reviewer of Deathlands and Outlanders Books... your as good as made... brother.

       I just was cruisng around the web and went to http://officialalanphilip...ue.06.shtml and there is a letter from a M& A there a couple mind you from St. Petersberg FLA.  which is just down the road from me in Clearwater.  hhmmmm.  sounds like

      Michael & Angela Goodwin
      the Dream team of Reviewers  now don't it...? oh well enough attention to him.

     again nice to meet  you here at the site and good luck on being the newest and hopefully 2nd best James Axler EVER.  kudos.

     Scott Phillips

    Cerberus Man
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    5/18/2008 11:08 PM

    Once you have the endorsement of One IQ Goodwin then your popularity is assured.

    Especially in that "special" wing of the penitentiary...


    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    New Member
    New Member

    5/19/2008 2:28 AM

    My savior, have mercy upon me:

    Idiotic ramblings from Badloser in italics, since teh quote no workee workee:

    Perhaps the only saving grace to this novel is the 57-page preview of the next installment, titled Pantheon of Vengeance, written by the 3rd author to pen this series. Just the first chapter alone is better than the whole storyline of Ghostwalk. It came across as being different, something between a cross of Battletech/Transformers. And after seeing the awesome Ironman movie this past weekend, this new novel just may be the breath of fresh air that this series needs. Like Victor Milan did.

    This is what this series desperately needs. A writer like Victor Milan, bold enough to take these group of characters and make them more human than Ellis writes them. With Ellis, Grant just continues to growl, Brigid is still frigid, and Kane is apparently a eunuch, seeming to turn down any hot babe, whether alien or human. Been there, done that. These scenes are just not written realistically.

    Let us hope this new writer, Douglad Wojohowitz, (Or something like that. The name reminds us of that dumb but funny detective in the classic comedy series, Barney Miller), can take this series and run with it.


    What "new life?"  What lack of characterization?  This isn't a review, it's a generalization of a hatchet job by an insipid sack of monkey fecal matter being jerked along by some sock puppet who has no concern about soiling his arm up to his elbow with stupidity. 


    Oh, and 1IQ - if you can't even spell Douglas, give it up, roll over on your rifle and blow your brains out, as Kipling suggested to the British in Afghanistan.


    Oh, another point - Mark Ellis, Mel Odom, Victor Milan then me, dimwit!  4th author.  Show respect to the Ellis you feminine hygene product disposal recepticle!


    If Goodwin is "endorsing me" it's a "f*** you" with faint praise.  If you'd checked his character assassination attempt on Hard Pursuit, you'd not only see me kick that creep's buttocks to the curb, but learn in no uncertain terms my opinion of the flaccid reject.

    New Member
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    5/19/2008 2:30 AM

    el sordo - emphasis on SECOND BEST.


    There's one true Axler - the man who has written more under that house name than anyone else. 


    Ellis is Tony Stark.  I'm just Rhodey or Happy Hogan, waiting for my ride in the red and gold.

    New Member
    New Member

    5/19/2008 11:23 AM

    I forgot one other author, so actually I'm the 6th James Axler working on Outlanders.  Though, not officially. 


    You know who you are.

    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief

    5/19/2008 3:09 PM

    Locking this thread because it is going nowhere positive.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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