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Last Post 11/20/2014 10:35 AM by  silentalbino
Website attack
 3 Replies
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Ron Miles
New Member
New Member

11/20/2014 10:14 AM

    FYI - in the past few days the website has been under some kind of scripted attack. No data has been compromises, and at this point it seems like I have finally shut down all of the vectors they were using. If you happen to notice anything strange on the site, please let me know ASAP.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    11/20/2014 10:29 AM
    Anything to do with Trojan semnager?
    Ron Miles
    New Member
    New Member

    11/20/2014 10:33 AM
    I don't think so. It seemed like a script kiddie trying to sniff out known weaknesses.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    11/20/2014 10:35 AM
    Cool, my laptop was apparently affected by this this last week. Thought it was maybe my bad. Glad it wasn't .
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