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Last Post 6/17/2008 9:30 AM by  Skaramine
last ellis outlanders
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5/22/2008 2:04 PM

    is outlanders 47 the last one for Mark?

     if so the series will be written by how many different writters?

       thanks for any info

    Ron Miles
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    5/22/2008 3:53 PM

    Book 47 is definitely by Mark Ellis.  Whether or not that is his last book in the series, I can't really say.  I'm not being coy, it's just that my crystal ball is not currently working.  There is at least some possibility that he might write for an OL comic book series should IDW decide to do one, but there are a lot of "if's" between here and there.

    As for how many different new writers:  one that I know of so far.  Almost certainly more in the future, assuming the series does not fold.  Given the longevity of DL following the departure of Laurence James, I expect there is only a very low probability that the series will be cancelled any time soon.  I say that as nothing more than a wild guess based on nothing substantial.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Millennial Man
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    5/23/2008 1:44 PM

    [QUOTE]elsordo wrote

    is outlanders 47 the last one for Mark?  


    Looks like Kane and Crew are going to go in a new drection in reclaiming Earth. To add one more thing One Eye Chills is chomping at the bit if it is Mr. Ellis last Outlander novel.

    Cerberus Man
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    5/23/2008 2:17 PM

    One iQ Chills/Goodwin has been obsessed with Mark Ellis for years...stalking him under a variety of aliases.  It would be almost sad that he has so little in his life except a fixation on Mark and the sex lives of fictional characters .

    It would be sad if he wasn't such a nasty, jealousy-driven individual.

    Fact is, OL is Mark's creation...if he's gone from it, the series won't survive. Most long-term OL fans won't bother with it when and if it's turned into yet another GE series produced by multiple writers...who will likely turn it into a carbon copy of DL, because that formula is easier to write.

    Without Mark involved, the OL series will just be filler and the stories fan-fiction.

    It's interesting how all of sudden there's so much interest in Mark Ellis and OL from people who never had an interest--or posted at all--before.





    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    New Member
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    5/23/2008 3:26 PM

    ok, thanks for reply

    seems a bit coy. but you said you were sorry...:)  
      I am sorry myself that I brought up "one eyed chills" and the direction of negativity it went on to create. seems I got branded as a troublemaker or worse yet "one eyed chills" himself! as the above post implies
    I kinda got the impression I was ostracized from the Mark Ellis Ink website right after joining without so much as a "drop dead" because of it... I did read some of the posts there for the couple of hours I was in and I saw that Mark had said he would be quiting 2 books after Godess.  so he is going 3 or more then maybe.?.  I was just curious since most of the regular members here are members there. seems more active there than here.  kinda hoped to get a straight answer.
      I really didn't know who the new writer is.!. I was just hoping that maybe he would be better than the others that filled in. (although I did see he was banned from there as well) I did like the one Odom book "Wreath of Fire".  Mark turned me on to the books a couple of years ago when he came to the Doc Savage group I am on.
       I am still reading the books I have them all...reading them in order.   only on Tomb of Time (reading it now and it's great)!!!. I only read a few at a time and then a few of something else. I am glad I have them all and enjoy the many references to other things I dig that Mark does as well ex... Doc Savage, wild wild west and such. which brings me to why I joined over there I was gonna tell him about james wests/robert conrads radio show and see if he knew about it. it's on CRN every thursday at 8pmEST.


      so, maybe one of you fellows that are part of the world over there can tell him.
    I was also gonna share the Jonny Quest paintings that I had done by Doug Wildey. another guy I know he digs. Doug did 2 for me in the late 80s.
     I turned Mark on to Doug's contact info so he could do a Doc Savage Cover for him. I met Mark in Tampa at a con when he was getting the Wild Wild West
    comic series together almost 20 years ago now.  I wanted to ask him if he still had any pics of the oil paintings that were done around then of the characters?  but I guess not.  since I have been jugded and sentenced for being in the same state/county as you know who. too bad. I hope this doesn't happen often as It could shrink Marks fan base a little. I hope not though. best regards to you all anyway. I don't have any malice torwards Mark. I still dig him. I am sure if he reads this there will be a breath of truth to what I am saying and who I am saying I am. I just don't think I will surport the Gold Eagle company any more after he is gone. but will checkout the reveiws of the next one.  I try and stay open minded.
       "elsordo" is the name of a character in the wild wild west. episode jack o diamonds.
      Elsordo....cardstuntman in the archives I said I changed emails and couldn't remember my friggin' password. so I had to re-register. go back in the archives and you will see....I wasn't a trouble maker...or ONE EYED CHILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    5/23/2008 3:27 PM

    Mark better NOT quit.  Working alongside him was one of the big reasons I wanted in on Outlanders.


    BTW - just got my "fanfiction" in today on my subscriber shipment. 



    New Member
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    6/17/2008 12:14 AM

    Has Mark said why he is quitting? It would be a shame if he was. By the way, who wrote Ghostwalk? That book really had a terrible ending.

    Ron Miles
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    6/17/2008 6:08 AM

    I'll take the easy question first:  Ghostwalk was a Mark Ellis book.

    As for the other question:  It is not accurate to say that he is quitting.  He has at least one more book currently contracted,  and there is no telling what contractes may or may not be offered and/or accepted in the future.   Mark has several other projects happening, some publicly announced and some not yet at that stage.  He has his own website at where you can get direct answers from him.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    6/17/2008 9:30 AM

    Ron, Agent Kuryakin informs me that the slight against the ending of "Ghostwalk" was an effort to mock the preview of Pantheon of Vengeance, not to demean Mark Ellis' excellent novel.  However, the bait has not been taken, as it's old and weak.

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