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Last Post 7/18/2008 11:32 AM by  Roadwarrior
10 Indiana Jones little known facts
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Veteran Member
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5/26/2008 11:02 PM

    I knew a few of these, but the rest came as a bit of a surprise.


    New Member
    New Member

    5/30/2008 8:36 AM

    [QUOTE]Outlanders wrote

    I knew a few of these, but the rest came as a bit of a surprise.[/QUOTE]


    To me the big surprises about the movie was how similar it was to several Outlanders novels, mainly Skull Throne and Destiny Run!

    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    5/30/2008 9:00 AM


    As much as I love Ellis' Outlanders, the whole 'X was just like book Y' has gone beyond tiresome.

    Yes, it was like watching an OL novel on the big screen. I don't deny that, but I didn't put that in my review because of the above and because it was so obvious.


    New Member
    New Member

    5/30/2008 6:34 PM

    [QUOTE]Raboy wrote

     Outlanders wrote

    I knew a few of these, but the rest came as a bit of a surprise.


    To me the big surprises about the movie was how similar it was to several Outlanders novels, mainly Skull Throne and Destiny Run!



    It couldn't be that Indiana Jones has THE EXACT SAME INSPIRATIONS AS MARK ie: Terry and the Pirates and Doc Savage.  Just because Spielberg and Lucas don't have the same love for I, Spy, there is no duology like Kelly and Scott/Kane and Grant which would allow for banter.


    Big archeology, ancient secrets, alien artifacts out of history (covered in Challengers of the Unknown and the Fantastic Four - two MORE Ellis influences), Mark is smart, skilled and wonderful, but Mark also DID.  NOT.  INVENT.  SCIENCE.  FICTION.  NOR.  PULPY.  GOODNESS.


    But I can't wait for Warlord of the Pit - despite the teaser description giving away completely the Fantastic Four plot it was inspired by.


    So what?  I've had plots inspired by Warren Ellis' the Authority, Japanese horror movies, the Lord of the Rings... 

    New Member
    New Member

    7/18/2008 11:32 AM

    The most important 'little nown fact' that EVERYBODY should know is that the Indiana Jones movies, especially KOTCS, is NOT real archaeology.

    Its just plundering, tresure hunting and grave robbing.

    (However, there was a nice reference to Gordon-Childe and Diffusionism which was cool).

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