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Last Post 1/1/1900 12:00 AM by  Anonymous
Theo Jansen's Strandbeests
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6/6/2008 4:56 PM

    From the Youtube description: Dutch artist Theo Jansen demonstrates his amazingly lifelike kinetic sculptures, built from plastic tubes and lemonade bottles. His "Strandbeests" (Beach Creatures) are built to move and even survive on their own.

    Imagine a decision making device without electronics, only air bottles and tubes.  Imagine a robot without motors or hydraulics, weighing up to TWO TONS, yet able to walk with only the power of a breeze behind it.  Imagine a binary computer without circuits, only air bottles.


    Theo Jansen did.  And he created something AMAZING.


    No need to stick around for the BMW commercial at the end.


    The intellect of the human race is amazing.

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