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Last Post 1/1/1900 12:00 AM by  Anonymous
Greatest American Hero on Heroes
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6/17/2008 8:46 PM

    William Katt is walking on air - he never thought he could feel so free!

    Katt, who was briefly famous in the '80s playing superhero Ralph Hinkley on ABC's The Greatest American Hero, will once again be dealing with superhuman powers - though he will not be flying away on a wing and a prayer. In an interview with Newsarama, 57-year-old Katt confirmed that he will be appearing in the third season of NBC's Heroes but will not have any special powers.

    "I just filmed it last week," he said. "I play a really, really wonderful, seedy, smarmy-mouthed reporter that goes after Ali Larter. It was a lot of fun."

    This is good news for fans of Larter, whose character Nikki appeared to have died in a house explosion in the second season finale.

    Katt is just the latest actor from a cult sci fi classic who has shown up on Heroes; George Takei and Nichelle Nichols from Star Trek both had recurring roles, as did Blade Runner's Joanna Cassidy. He is, however, the only one to have previously worn a superhero costume while rocking an embarrassing perm.

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