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Last Post 6/27/2008 3:05 AM by  Skaramine
Wizard World Chicago.
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4/23/2008 9:41 PM

    If anyone's going to the Chicago Comic-Con June 27 - 29th, you might just catch me there.


    I'll definitely be at the Gold Eagle booth, though, I haven't heard anything back from the IDW folks.  (They probably have too many REAL comic book folks to salt the mix with an utter noob.)

    New Member
    New Member

    6/27/2008 3:05 AM

    Last minute information:

    I'll be at the Gold Eagle booth from 11-Noon on Saturday.


    Oh, and IDW [i]had[/i] scheduled me for the San Diego Comic Con, and had me registered, but they didn't tell me, and I'm too broke to afford the trip to the West Coast anyhow.


    It's great being respected by your publisher, isn't it?

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