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Last Post 1/1/1900 12:00 AM by  Anonymous
2008 Can Kiss My--
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12/31/2008 7:16 PM

    I'm tempted to call 2008  The Worst Year EVER but I don't want to jinx myself.

    It had its good moments, I suppose.

    Around 11 PM on November 4th, mainly.

    I'll be posting an End of the Year blog on my site--complete with pichurs--in a day or keep checking.

    Also--The Miskatonic Project graphic novel is sold out at Diamond and


    That has never happened with any  of my Outlanders books....or probably any GE book for that matter.

    Anyhow, we've gone back to press and there will be copies available at Amazon very soon.

    It will probably take longer for Diamond to get the copies to the retail stores, so be patient.

    I hope my friends here have a safe and happy New Year's Eve and an even safer and happier New Year.


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