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Last Post 3/30/2009 10:27 AM by  Cerberus Man
2009 off to an interesting start.
 3 Replies
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New Member
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1/10/2009 12:05 AM

    ah nevermind... who cares about credit where credit's due, eh?

    New Member
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    3/30/2009 9:26 AM
    Is Outlanders finished?
    Ron Miles
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    3/30/2009 9:49 AM
    Nope, the series is still running. Currently the books are alternating between Doug Wojtowicz and Rik Hoskin, and to my knowledge there is no talk at the publisher regarding ending the series. It should be around for a good long while yet.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Cerberus Man
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    3/30/2009 10:27 AM
    As far as a lot us are concerned, the series might as well be finished if Mark doesn't return to it.
    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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