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Last Post 2/15/2009 6:39 PM by  Shulpae
Avatars? Signatures?
 2 Replies
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Basic Member
Basic Member

2/14/2009 10:39 AM


    I've been trying to figure out how to add a pic and a signature to my profile, but for the life of me I can't seem to find how to do it?  When I click on manage profile, it just brings me back to the forum...

    What am I missing?

    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    2/15/2009 3:38 AM

    Click on the icon at the top of the forum page that looks like a gear, and says "My Settings" when you hover over it.  On the User Settings screen that comes up, expand out the User Settings section and you will see the field for entering your signature and a field for browsing out to select a new avatar.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
    New Member

    2/15/2009 6:39 PM


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