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Last Post 4/21/2009 7:40 PM by  Outlanders
Anybody playing Fallout 3?
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4/3/2009 7:04 PM
    I haven't visited this site in quite awhile so maybe this topic has been covered. I've been playing Bethesda's new video game Fallout 3, if the Deathland series could be visual it would be Fallout 3. Although there arn't any "stickies" or "stingwings" there are rad-sick "mutie" bastards, and radiation altered animals and other various creatures. There are mods that add or change elements of the game, you can even add an eyepatch to your male character, sound like anyone we know! Well that's all I've got for the moment, got to get back to the "Plague Lords" later.....
    New Member
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    4/3/2009 11:22 PM
    Yep - haven't had time to play lately, but I loved Fallout 3!
    Veteran Member
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    4/4/2009 12:55 AM
    I hate to admit it, because it looks like I have no life, but I completed the game the first time in about 120 hours. That didn't include the two DLC's that have been released.

    I'm playing through it again, trying a different character, with different perks. Lots of fun.
    Ron Miles
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    4/4/2009 4:48 AM
    Posted By gwfran on 03 Apr 2009 11:22 PM
    Yep - haven't had time to play lately, but I loved Fallout 3!

    Gary!  How the heck are  you?  Great to see you here!
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    4/4/2009 9:55 PM
    I've been playing steady since it came out shortly after Thanksgiving, run the main quest around 8 times played around 15 characters and have around 30 mods installed, pretty much played the game out lol!
    Canadian Nomad
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    4/15/2009 1:46 AM

    I have spent TOO MANY hours on Fallout 3!!! LOL!!! I love everything about the game, and I am extremely pleased with the graphics and design - EXACTLY what I would expect the world to look like.....thing that's Dead-on for me is the crumbling highway overpasses!!!

    Great game, and I did mention similarities in a previous DL post (under CDNUKRWanderer - forgot the ID/password, so created another account!!!) between DL and Fallout.....

    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    4/21/2009 7:40 PM
    Just FYI - Broken Steel, the third DLC for Fallout 3 is available May 5th.

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