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Last Post 4/25/2010 8:06 PM by  Saxon1974
Deathlands series and Fallout 3
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4/5/2009 1:55 PM
    One thing I've been meaning to pass along......Since I play Fallout 3 I visit several sites devoted to the game. From time to time someone will bring up the subject of books with a Fallout 3 type theme, I have yet to see anyone mention (except myself) the Deathlands and Outlanders series. I've mentioned it several times, don't know if it's had any effect but maybe somebody has checked out these books.
    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief

    4/5/2009 2:38 PM
    By all means, invite them to come over here and say hello!
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    4/25/2010 8:06 PM
    Interesting topic as I was chatting about fallout 3 on the and asked if there were any books similar to the post-apoc feel on the fallout games and someone recommended Deathlands. Loving the books!

    I like to immerse myself into the same kind of world Im playing in a game with a book so these work perfectly for the Fallout games.

    Too bad they havent made a good film based on Deathlands. I did watch part of the version with Vince Spano but couldn't get through it, was horrible I thought.
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    DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.