Cerberus Man Basic Member Posts:144  
6/16/2009 9:32 PM |
Mark created Outlanders. Therefore, most Outlanders fans are fans of Mark. When Mark no longer wrote Outlanders, those fans stopped buying the books, stopped reading the books, stopped reviewing the books. So endeth the lesson.
"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--"
"Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably.
(Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
APPublished Author  Veteran Member Posts:346  
6/16/2009 10:50 PM |
Posted By Cerberus Man on 16 Jun 2009 09:32 PM Mark created Outlanders.
Therefore, most Outlanders fans are fans of Mark.
When Mark no longer wrote Outlanders, those fans stopped buying the books, stopped reading the books, stopped reviewing the books.
So endeth the lesson. You're right that the fewer than 10 people who used to regularly review the OL books on this site stopped reviewing them ... eventually... and presumably buying and reading them. You need to spell out what you think those ten people have to do with "most" OL fans, and why the series hasn't gone tits up their absence before your lesson actually endeth.
The Phantom Basic Member Posts:219  
6/17/2009 2:40 AM |
I have always wished that more people reviewed the books. It is obvious that only a small percentage of readers ever post reviews on them. With the reviews available on each book, it is not a very accurate composite of the reader base, going by just the reviews on this site and/or Amazon. But they are all we have to work with, and it seems to have a certain consistancy if you look past the extreme favorable and unfavorable reviews. That is the best measure that can really be used at this point. What is worth reading and not worth reading can be determined in general, but any reader is free enjoy whatever books by whatever authors they see fit. Griping about them just isn't gonna help matters, or it would have made a difference by now. GE just pumps out the books, it's what they do. Enjoy what you can and forget about the rest. Consider the ones you dont like as filler. Just my two cents.
6/17/2009 12:47 PM |
Reading an OL novel written by somebody other than Mark is like watching a 'Seinfeld' episode with a stranger playing Jerry. It doesnt matter how good it is, it wouldn't be a "real' Seinfeld episode.
mikeclr Basic Member Posts:197  
6/17/2009 5:37 PM |
I barely have enough time to read books let alone write reviews for 'em...or at least what could be considered proper reviews... N' AP makes a very good point, if the bulk of OL readers quit reading the books not written by Mark wouldn't the series have gone belly up like Room 59?
Lesson? Not so sure about that one...
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
mikeclr Basic Member Posts:197  
6/17/2009 5:37 PM |
Phantom makes a good point as well I should add.
To me it would seem that a lot of people who post reviews do so because they seem to have an agenda of some sort...whether for good or ill...
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
Jax2Published Author  Veteran Member Posts:269  
6/17/2009 6:12 PM |
Just an FYI... It takes about two years for Harlequin to get the final sales figures on their books. At this point, they've just now tabulated the numbers on Skull Throne.
APPublished Author  Veteran Member Posts:346  
6/17/2009 6:48 PM |
I might have this messed up, numbers and dates are not my strong suit, but didn't Room 59 first come out in January of 2008 and go tits in April of 2009? Tabulation of the full final sales figures (every copy accounted for, as in a royalty statement) wouldn't be necessary if things are Way-Bleak--as in towering boxes of unsold books left in the warehouse. The slack for a new series that doesn't catch on has got to be minimal compared to a series that's been around and successful for a decade.
mikeclr Basic Member Posts:197  
6/17/2009 8:28 PM |
Ah ha...I see. Makes sense!
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
6/26/2009 2:59 PM |
The way I see it, all of this pitching and bitching about GE has about as much chance of changing their MO as the recent tea parties have of changing Obama's socialist policies. It ain't gonna happen because they just don't care.
p.s. I'm on OL17 now. It just keeps getting better but I haven't gotten to my namesake's books yet, Victor Milan. :þ
6/26/2009 6:34 PM |
Posted By EZ-E on 26 Jun 2009 02:59 PM I'm on OL17 now. It just keeps getting better but I haven't gotten to my namesake's books yet, Victor Milan. :þ
You'll know because of the abrupt and sharp decline in the IQs of everything involved with OL--characters, plots, dialogue.