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Last Post 4/18/2009 10:01 AM by  Raboy
New Mark Ellis books added to the site
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

4/17/2009 8:56 PM
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    4/18/2009 10:01 AM
    I picked up Bride of Dagon and Justice Machine at my comics shop a week or so ago and I already posted reviews on Amazon.

    They're both great graphic novels but Justice Machine was AWESOME! Great super-hero action and to my surprise--very funny! I knew about the Justice Machine series in the 80s but just never picked it up.

    Great artwork throughout too from Adam Hughes to Darryl Banks and the writing by Mark is superb.

    The Justice Machine are a cross between the X-Men and the Fantastic Four but they reminded me the most of the Incredibles--and these stories predate the Incredibles by about 15 years.

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