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Last Post 4/28/2008 6:28 PM by  Ryan_Cawdor
Myself, My boy, and George Takei
 6 Replies
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4/26/2008 7:41 PM

    Taken today at the Calgary Comic Expo.

    April 26th, 2008

    Ron Miles
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    4/26/2008 8:34 PM

    Way cool!  He seems like a very nice guy.  I loved his appearance on Psych last year, playing himself at a con.  It's always nice to see someone who isn't afraid of making fun of themselves.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Veteran Member
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    4/27/2008 9:43 AM

    Yeah, he was a pretty nice guy, but damn, it cost me $60 for the photo and to get my Heroes Graphic novel autographed. I wasn't pleased about that.

    That's why he's the only one who I bothered to get a photo with.


    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    4/27/2008 4:42 PM

    [QUOTE]Outlanders wrote

    Yeah, he was a pretty nice guy, but damn, it cost me $60 for the photo and to get my Heroes Graphic novel autographed. I wasn't pleased about that.

    That's why he's the only one who I bothered to get a photo with.



    I can remember the days when film and music stars gave there autographs away free. I've got many knocking around the place from years ago. Ozzy Osbourne and the rest of Black Sabbath (1980's), Kiss (1980's), Rainbow [get the idea what sort of music I was into ?]

    I've also got signitures of Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker (C3PO and R2D2).

    The best one I have though is a pint beer glass signed by Harrison Ford who attended a Sci-Fi convention held at the Student Union Building at my Polytechnic way back in 1986 -this one did cost me the price of a pint of beer though. He was sat in a quiet corner of the student bar all alone and I spent about 15 minutes chatting to him between lectures. The glass was the only thing I had to get him to sign. Its a little faded now but sits in with all my other university crap in my Fathers loft !!!

    Only reading here about $60 to sign a book kick started my memory. Sadly I dont have a photo -mobile phones didnt exist then !

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief

    4/27/2008 9:04 PM

    I have a silver sphere autographed by Don Coscarelli, Reggie Bannister, and Angus Scrimm. 

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    4/27/2008 11:21 PM

    My rant is this...

    Why do they charge? Lets face it, if it wasn't for us, the fans, they wouldn't be where they are right now.

    They'd be working regular jobs, doing the whole 9-5 thing, flipping burgers, servince customers, slinging boxes, programming, you name it.

    Fans made them what they are. If it wasn't for us, think of the alternative.

    So, why charge us for meeting them?

    Let me guess - oh, we have to pay for the flight, the hotel, our meals, etc.


    These guys make more money per episode than most of us make in a year.

    So, they don't need to be compensated. It's utter crap.

    I would have been interested in getting autographs from Kevin Sorbo, Michael Rosenbaum, and Tricia Heifler (or however you spell her name), but at $30 for a photo (or more), and the same for an autograph, screw that crap.

    I'll have to be damned choosy of those celebraties that I decide to meet at these cons.

    It's would have been damned nice if these people would start remembering those people who made them who they are, instead of bending us over for the privilage of meeting them.

    After all, the comic artists that I met were more than happy to autograph the graphic novels I brought along WITHOUT demanding a fee.

    Celebraties certainly could learn from them.


    New Member
    New Member

    4/28/2008 6:28 PM

    Yeah but they wont though it's because they are "Celebraties." Some are nice enough to do it but you got to find them.  My dads friend went to one and got an autograph of Q i think for nothing. But that's been a couple of years ago he chatted with him and everything.  But it's probably not up to the celebraties to do the charging it's the management that is wanting the money.



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