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Last Post 6/1/2009 10:55 AM by  EZ-E
Well, I finally got around to reading Outlanders...
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5/27/2009 9:01 PM
    I've read all of Deathlands but had never made the time to start the Outlanders series until now. (But I did make time to read the first 14 Rogue Angel books.) And, I've gotta say, the characters are outstanding! Enough to reel me in! I kind of prefer Deathlands in the sense that the technology and holocaust are feasible, if not probable. I've never been a big fan of alien scifi but Outlanders is riveting enough to keep me coming back. I've read the first 3 books but am lacking #4. Big bummer since it left me hanging with Lakesh in Salvo's hands. I have 5-11 and then 33-44 but I emailed to see if he can help me fill in the blanks.
    I reckon that I'll put off the William Johnstone westerns that I have to read until I finish this series.
    And a big thanks to this forum for having the titles to the series sequentially numbered. I did it the hard way with Deathlands and ended up being off a number because of the special trader issue inserted somewhere in the 30's. Plus the publishers made a snafu by printing the issues out of order in one of the early books. :þ

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    5/29/2009 2:09 PM
    Posted By EZ-E on 27 May 2009 09:01 PM
    I've never been a big fan of alien scifi but Outlanders is riveting enough to keep me coming back.

    The further you get into the series you'll see that its not what it appears to be. The whole stunning revelation about the truth behind nukecaust, the barons, the aliens isn't revealed until Children of the Serpent.

    The 5th OL book, Parallax Red is the first one I read, way back when and I was floored by it. The amazing thing is the series just gets better after that one!

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    5/31/2009 9:53 AM
    Posted By Raboy on 29 May 2009 02:09 PM
    The further you get into the series you'll see that its not what it appears to be. The whole stunning revelation about the truth behind nukecaust, the barons, the aliens isn't revealed until Children of the Serpent.

    What's more, it all makes perfect sense! The clues were all there, scattered through the previous eight years worth of novels.
    Millennial Man
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    5/31/2009 12:18 PM
    Posted By Raboy on 29 May 2009 02:09 PM
    Posted By EZ-E on 27 May 2009 09:01 PM
    I've never been a big fan of alien scifi but Outlanders is riveting enough to keep me coming back.

    The further you get into the series you'll see that its not what it appears to be. The whole stunning revelation about the truth behind nukecaust, the barons, the aliens isn't revealed until Children of the Serpent.

    The 5th OL book, Parallax Red is the first one I read, way back when and I was floored by it. The amazing thing is the series just gets better after that one!

    And with series continuing we hope you enjoy the ride.

    New Member
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    6/1/2009 1:17 AM
    Thanks for all of the replies and tips. I'm about finished with #7 and the plot certainly thickens.

    One thought came to mind, though. Not trying to get religious here but Israel has always been prominent though out history and the 3 major religions but it has never once been mentioned in all of the Deathlands series and, so far as I'm read, in Outlanders either.

    Of course this is all fiction but I still find it odd that Israel is non existent in this fictional world.
    New Member
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    6/1/2009 9:52 AM
    I definitely remember Israel being mentioned in several OL books, particularly when the Anunnaki/Sumerian legends took more of the center stage.

    And almost all of Dark Goddess is set in the Sinai.

    New Member
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    6/1/2009 10:55 AM
    Thanks for the input. I've just read through OL7, hence the disclaimer. Glad to see that I was wrong.
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