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Last Post 7/27/2009 1:40 PM by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
New Groups
 7 Replies
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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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7/20/2009 12:53 PM

    Would it be possible to have some sort of stickie or such to highlight the existance of any groups created by members here, it could give details of its subject matter and a quick link to the group ?

    It would make them more visable and would stop us "old timers" having to moan on and on at new folk

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    Bury The Sun
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    7/20/2009 4:30 PM
    If this post was created to help the new group then I have to say thank you good sir! Even if you said it just so you wouldn't have to deal with us "youngsters" whining about guns and junk anymore! lol
    I must admit that would be a very good idea and more than likely it could act as a kind of "crowd control" even... so thank you )3az!

    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    Veteran Member

    7/21/2009 5:37 AM
    Done purely to help out the new groups nothing more.

    I bet us "old timers" whine more than you "youngsters" do ?
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
    Basic Member
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    7/21/2009 6:55 AM

    Thanks again Jim.Very cool of you.

    Us "youngsters"probably are not that much younger than you "old timers"(I'm pushing 40)

    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    Veteran Member

    7/21/2009 4:38 PM
    Posted By One Eyed Vengance on 21 Jul 2009 06:55 AM

    Thanks again Jim.Very cool of you.

    Us "youngsters"probably are not that much younger than you "old timers"(I'm pushing 40)

    Only by 6 years...

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    7/26/2009 7:06 PM
    God,I know I miss my 20's Jim,Don't you ?
    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
    New Member
    New Member

    7/27/2009 12:41 AM
    I don't remember i definitely missed them.
    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    7/27/2009 1:40 PM
    Mine were spent on the road playing in a metal band and getting alot of groupies and partying alot!!!
    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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