Dan (obviously)

- from my S/N you can tell my main hobby - Cars..VW's in general - but anything that makes noise and runs on gas or gunpowder i am into - cars, motorcycles, planes, boats, guns, computers, R/C cars, reading DL and OL, and writing...i'm 36 as well..just had my 1st and only Child and trying to get out of my Job now..i work for a very prominent International Gun company that has some benefits - but a lot of issues...I own 3 cars, one boat, 2 guns, 2 comuters, 6 R/C cars and god knows what else...Turbochargers get my blod going....boost is king! f you ask me for help you will get it..if you cross me...well....take your chance! I don't drink (used to) don't smoke or do drugs, i just drvie fast and play hard when i can...and put all my creativity into my writing now...i'm also a DL fan since book 1 - and always will be...