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Last Post 7/21/2009 10:27 PM by  UrbanSavage
Battlestar and Trek
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)3az )3aziah
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7/21/2009 6:54 PM
    UrbanSavage wrote:
    I totally agree. Loved hating Starbuck for the entire series run.  They had some seriously evil characters in that series.  Tory and  John being foremost in my mind. Dean Stockwell was brilliant.  Caprica pilot aired here as a 2 hour movie on the space channel.  Try one of the Torrent sites if that floats your boat.  Had a tough time sitting through it, moved very slow if you ask me.  Once you get a chance to see it let me know what you think.  The Raiders were so well done and the battle scenes were breathtaking.  Made the final battle of Deep Space Nine look like an old bugs bunny/Yosemite Sam cartoon.  What did you think of the New Star Trek?  there's probably a thread here...if not here's the perfect opertunity to start a discussion on it eh? LOL

    BTW..I loved it and hated it.  Why later.

    It was a love / hate relationship with Starbck here too, and was it just me or did you think they forgot all about the Starbuck situation in the last few episodes (not to give anything away) and then thought "Oh sh!t, Starbuck..." and rushed to write her conclusion ?

    The space battles in BSG just blew my mind, I still go back and watch them time and time again now. I can remeber my son telling me BSG was no way better than Star Wars, then I let him see the epic 2 Battlestar combat scene and watched his jaw drop -Dad won for once YES !!

    As for the new Trek movie, I liked it, I hated it.

    Whats with all this Hollywood crap of "lets go back and remake it from the begining" are they running out of ideas or what ?

    I really liked Silar as Spock and totally hated what they did with Mr Scott -just what was that walking turd come umpa-lumpa he had as a side kick, it was almost as bad as bloody jar jar binks !

    The new (old) Enterprise Hate it !

    The Romulans who looked nothing like Romulans Hmmm...

    Kirk was quite well handled and in several scenes I thought he was totally over the top yet so damn like the original kirk -the scene where he eats the apple especially.

    Anyhow I rant on...

    Will watch Caprica as soon as it hits my screen here


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    7/21/2009 10:27 PM
    The new boat....loved it and hated much like the Enterprise A when It was supposed to be the original....loved the reworking of the story, but hated the Alternate time line bullshit. I have it on reliable authority that that was forced on Abrams and almost resulted in him backing out of the project. I must say I was a little disappointed by the demise of one character but thought he did a great job tying it into another character's personality and such. Spock, Kirk, Ohara, Pike, and McCoys were unbelievable I liked Simon "Shaun of the dead" Pegg as Scotty alright but gotta go with you on the little troll thingy...annoying little chap wasn't he..LOL. Checkov should have had a legit accent IMO ...again....the corny Hollywood "russkie" accent was forced on Abrams me thinks. Found it mildly offensive for obvious reasons. Perceptive stereotyping doesn't fit well with me. John "Harold" Cho was fine as Sulu.

    Chris Pines Redo of Kirk was beautiful...all the Bill Shatner cockiness but better acting. Brilliant IMO. The Romulan ship was horribly over the top. Hated it. A "simple" Mining vessel? Come On!!! Oh and if this is an alternate timeline...where are the temporal police from the TV series? Forgot about them did the pencil necks that forced that garbage on JJ? I'm convinced that the lawyers and armchair directors (pardon the pun) turned a potentially 5 out of five into a 3.5 star movie. It was at least good enough to get me on board awaiting the sequel, which is apparently well under way. Abrams is contracted for 3 movies so hopefully the next two will be self sustaining now without the tortuous need for the time line crap.
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