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Last Post 8/21/2009 2:20 PM by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
What should I do ?
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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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8/20/2009 6:35 PM
    I've had my GF for 2 years now (practically lives with me) - small white, petite thang, cooks for me, always been good to me.
    I go away on vacation for a week, come back and something just doesn't seem right . I asked my Father if he had seen anything happen with my GF and he acts clueless.
    So fast forward to 3 weeks later... I'm coming home from work when bam! clear as day, right in my Kitchen, I catch my Father red handed with his meat in my GF.
    I was P!SSED, told him to get his meat out of GF and GTFO, needless to say my GF got turned off. I just couldn't get over it and that night kicked my GF to the curb.
    Now it's been 2 weeks since the incident and that I've been without my GF and about 10 minutes ago my Father had the audacity to ask my how my GF has been. - when he's the damn reason we ain't together no more.
    Should I start swingin' on him?
    Pack my stuff and be on my way?

    My GF

    I guess I should have typed George Foreman Grill (GFG) not Gf.
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    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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    8/20/2009 8:10 PM
    LOL!!!!!!!!!!I knew there was a catch Jim when you were using American ghetto slang and not the queens English propper!!!!
    You actually had me going there man.Are you trying to kill me w/a heartattack?You very nearly made me soil myself I laughed so hard.
    And here I thought you had no sense of humor ?........LOL.
    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
    Bury The Sun
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    8/20/2009 11:13 PM
    Don't you dare let that dirty beeatch get to you man! If it was me I'd have started swingin on that HO of a GF you had! I'd have bashed that ex-GF with my own meat if it was me... I would hate to punish my meat... but sometimes you've got to smash a few grapes if you're gonna make some wine ya know?

    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    8/21/2009 2:20 PM

    Andy.......You silly F**ker!

    I think you and Jim are running a conspiracy to kill me by heart attack(from laughing!)

    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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