Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
8/23/2009 9:02 AM |
I found the issues with the Groups, and also with the layout on the Profile page. There is still a minor issue with the login screen, but that is a known DNN v5.1.0 issue and there is nothing I can do about it at the moment.
Please let me know if you see any other problems.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas) Basic Member Posts:337  
8/23/2009 3:27 PM |
Thanks alot Ron!I think we were pissing someone off w/our inceesant gun
Does this mean my old profile will be there and the messaging will work too?
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
8/23/2009 3:30 PM |
Everything should be 100% functional. If you encounter any problems please let me know.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas) Basic Member Posts:337  
8/23/2009 3:39 PM |
It is working ,but not quite right,I was able to make a post but it posted 3x instead of once and I wanted to delete my original post because I regretted some of my words and now I can't.There is still no profile,no messaging and while the groups are visible it will not let me post imediatley,but the post shows up later. Like I said,I want to delete my post as I was only experimenting and did not think my private thoughts were actually gonna show up to offend someone.Sorry ahead of time.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
8/23/2009 6:06 PM |
Profile should be working now, I was able to log in as my non-priviliged user and see it fine. Not sure what the error is in posting to the group through the quick form, but if you go to your group and then click on Discussion you will see your own private message board. Please try that, while I continue to look into the other issues.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas) Basic Member Posts:337  
8/23/2009 7:33 PM |
Thanks again Ron,I got your test message ok and replied,but my messaging is still down,groups are not working right though you did get the profile up and running fine.
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
9/1/2009 8:07 AM |
they aren't fixed totally...every time i post in the groups is says an error then shows up later and people are getting double and triple posts...can you check on it please? thanks...
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
9/1/2009 9:55 AM |
Thanks, I will look into this. Not sure what the problem is.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
9/1/2009 12:13 PM |
|'s post - you get the grey box that pops up saying "error occurred" - and then you hit ok and it goes away and it doesn't look like you posted..then you check back later and it is up - we've had some double and triple posts becasue of biggie and we all learned i think....but just curious...thanks!
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
9/1/2009 8:05 PM |
It's odd. We currently have four groups. For two of the groups I can post a message without error. For the other two, I get that same "error occurred" box and then going away and coming back makes the post appear. It is very strange to be localized to two particular groups instead of being all or nothing. I am still digging into this, I'll let you know when I have something more.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
JettaManDan Basic Member Posts:252  
9/1/2009 9:10 PM |
no worries..the posts work and all..just wierd...thanks for looking into it...
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
9/4/2009 10:26 PM |
I am working on this now, with one of the lead developers of the Active Social module that runs the groups. I'll let you know when we get to a solution.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
9/20/2009 10:27 AM |
Something in groups broke when I ran the latest update. I don't have time to look at it this morning, but I will see about getting it fixed tonight.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents