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Last Post 8/16/2010 1:33 PM by  avdude2
Outlanders #53 - Infinity Breach
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

11/1/2009 1:46 AM

    This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders #53 - Infinity Breach

    The bibliography page is located HERE

    You can submit your own review HERE

    Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    7/21/2010 6:35 PM
    Nice to see the return of a halfway decent cover after several rather poor ones. However it doesn't do justice to the gunblazing story within.

    The latest adventure for Kane, Grant and Bridgit occurs almost in real time and features two extended firefights, with only a few hours breathing space inbetween them. This breathless storytelling is peppered with flashbacks to the thirties, and the larger than life adventures of Abraham Flag, a very well imagined pastiche of Doc Savage. Rik Hoskin has enormous fun creating the mythology of Flag, with excerpts from all kinds of outlandish stories, not to mention describing Flag's own superhuman abilities which almost enter parody. Capturing the style of those pulp magazines, we get all kind of purple prose about the "magnificently proportioned" genius, who's motto is "Have faith in Science!" Outlander books aren't famed for their humour, but there's a laugh-out loud moment when Abraham tries to show Grant that he's not prejudiced about black people.

    But the three regulars are not neglected either, especially since the whole story takes place on location and focuses on their teamwork and comradeship. They are compared and contrasted with the members of the opposing Millennium Consortium squad, amongst whom are a couple of sympathetic characters, rather than being portrayed as simple villains.

    In the second half of the book a new set of strange characters are introduced. Without giving too much away, these people and their alien viewpoint enliven the novel and present an original threat, which is quite impressive in a series that has run along for sometime.

    It's well written action adventure with brings in some interesting new elements to the Outlanders saga. An excellent heir and tribute to the pulp magazines of which Gold Eagle is an heir.
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    New Member

    8/16/2010 1:33 PM
    I would like to see Flag come back as a regular!! i love Doc Savage as a kid and I think Flagg on occasions would ad an excellent venue to the upcoming books! Infinity breach was a very good read and the story was actually thrilling to the end. Cover was great also.
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