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Last Post 1/22/2010 7:50 AM by  Ron Miles
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 4 Replies
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Ron Miles
Website Owner
Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

11/15/2009 9:58 AM
    I have just completed updating the website to DotNetNuke v5.1.4, and also upgrading the Active Forums module to v4.1.16 and the Active Social module to v1.2.7.  Please let me know if you notice anything broken or otherwise odd.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Milo Morai
    New Member
    New Member

    1/21/2010 4:12 PM

    I can't seem to get into the archives.  Whenever I click Deathlands Survival Guide, my browser closes out.  Any ideas?

    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    1/21/2010 9:30 PM
    They open fine for me, no errors. What browser and version are you using?
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Milo Morai
    New Member
    New Member

    1/21/2010 10:36 PM
    The most recent Firefox.  After several attempts, I tried again a couple of hours later and it worked fine, too.  Just thought it might be tied to the update because of the error message I kept getting the previous day.  That's technology for you.  Thanks anyway. 
    Great work you're doing here.
    Many thanks!
    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    1/22/2010 7:50 AM
    There were other issues yesterday, to do with the database. I cleared them up late in the afternoon, and am working to make sure that particular issue does not happen again.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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