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Last Post 5/4/2013 1:43 PM by  Kerrick
Nice job, Kerrick! Everyone should check out the new wiki!
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9/30/2010 11:31 PM
As I recollect, I came up with Overproject Excalibur but I'm not sure if I introduced it in DL or Outlanders.
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10/4/2010 11:03 AM
Posted By Jax2 on 30 Sep 2010 11:31 PM
As I recollect, I came up with Overproject Excalibur but I'm not sure if I introduced it in DL or Outlanders.

I'm guessing Outlanders... I've read all the DL books up to Shadow Fortress (50-something), which is well after OL's inception. I'll have to see if I can find Armageddon Axis and that other one.
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10/4/2010 1:40 PM
I went back and checked and technically, you're right.

The first "Axlerverse" mention of Overproject Excalibur was the inaugural Outlanders novel, Exile to Hell.

However, I created Excalibur for DL Nightmare Passage...which although written before Exile to Hell, wasn't published until shortly after the third Outlanders novel.

Basic Member
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10/9/2010 4:20 PM
Just wanted to add an update; I (finally) finished the synopsis for Parallax Red, and added a ton of information - characters, locations, a page for Overproject Excalibur, and some other odds and ends. I still haven't gotten around to doing write-ups for the main characters, but I'll do it soon, I promise.
Basic Member
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12/11/2010 7:44 PM
I got my box o' books a few weeks ago and burned through Breakthrough so I could finish up the Shadow Earth trilogy. I added that and Doom Helix, as well as the summary for Crucible of Time (I've had it done for months, but forgot to add it) and fixed a bunch of minor errors I found.

Coming soon: Crater Lake, Pony Soldiers, Dectra Chain, Ice and Fire, Freedom Lost, Way of the Wolf, Starfall, Pandora's Redoubt, and Zero City.
Basic Member
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12/26/2010 4:35 PM
I've added Crater Lake, Pony Soldiers, and Dectra Chain, along with numerous edits, fixes, and additions to various pages.
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1/18/2011 6:56 PM
Added Ice and Fire and Freedom Lost, along with various edits and fixes.
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2/1/2011 1:36 AM
Added Way of the Wolf and Starfall. It's only coincidence that they both happen to be Mel Odom's books - I'm reading what I have in order of publication.
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2/20/2011 8:05 PM
I found Devil Riders and Bloodfire when I was cleaning out and organizing a couple boxes of books, so I've added them.
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3/21/2011 12:30 PM
I added the summary for Playfair's Axiom, and fixed the screamwing entry in Flora and Fauna. I accidentally named them stingwings, which are mutie bats from the Gamma World RPG, which, incidentally, is set in a post-apocalypse world, hence my unconscious mistake. I'm just surprised it took this long to catch it.
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3/22/2011 11:19 AM
I introduced the screamwings in Stoneface...and although "stingwings" may have appeared in the Gamma World RPG, I named my cratures as a homage to the stingwings that appeared in Harry Harrison's first book in the Deathworld series.
Basic Member
Basic Member

3/27/2011 12:01 PM

Huh. Looks like I was wrong. I did some checking, and stingwings don't appear in Gamma World - I did take the name from the Deathworld books . Funny, since I read them 20+ years ago; I never would've remembered if you hadn't mentioned it.

One Fallen Shadow
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4/14/2011 2:38 AM
Hey, I've looked at this site numerous times and I'm overjoyed to see it coming along. I personally have read and own every Deathlands book except for Freedom Lost. I am a huge fan, I read the books constantly and if anyone wants some help, I'd be glad to.
Basic Member
Basic Member

9/5/2011 11:09 AM
Greetings and welcome (and sorry it's taken so long to see your post)! Anyone is free to add stuff to the wiki; I just happen to be the only one who seems to be interested in doing so. I've only got about half the books myself; I add info as I get my hands on more. Anything you can add would be great.
Harry Whittleberry 2
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9/6/2011 4:59 AM
I don't think you will get any help from him he has only posted this one thing. Why are there so many people that do that on here?
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

9/20/2011 8:32 AM
You've done a fantastic job with the wiki lad, you are to be commended.
Basic Member
Basic Member

10/8/2011 12:53 PM
Oopsie. I was updating the wiki with the new book info, and I kinda broke things again. Ron, can you fix it?

Edit: I see what it's doing: if I update a page multiple times without saving, it throws an error (after adding new content, I check the preview for mistakes and do corrections as necessary).
Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

10/10/2011 6:21 AM
looks ok now, although I did see the flood of errors in the site event log. All good now?
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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10/10/2011 12:36 PM

The wiki for prodigals is buggered!!



)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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10/10/2011 2:37 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 10 Oct 2011 12:36 PM

The wiki for prodigals is buggered!!



Do you want to translate that into "American" for those Colonial types
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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