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Last Post 11/17/2011 9:41 AM by  Kerrick
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9/9/2010 4:18 PM
    While everyone is aware that almost every author who has ever written a DL book knows next to nothing about guns due to the too many to list errors since book one describing incorrect calibers/impossible chamberings one has pointed out the most impossible/incorrect thing about the series:Jolt.
    Jolt is an impossible drug to exist due to the simple fact that combining Heroin and Cocaine alone is a lethal cocktail.
    Adding Mescaline to the mix,as Jolt is always described as a mix of Cocaine/Heroine/and Mescaline,is garanteed to kill you.
    So I submit that Jolt does not exist today and would not in a post apocalyptic world as it would kill anyone who takes it.
    Despite this huge error from the original author and the horrendous firearms mistakes that are rampant in the DL books I still love the series and read it because of the characters and stories being very interesting to me.
    I can't believe no one else has noticed this?
    Or has anyone else?
    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief

    9/9/2010 4:47 PM
    Of all the absurd, improbable/impossible, and flat out scientifically preposterous things in the series, that's the one that jumps out for you? Huh.

    Not criticizing, we all have our pet peeves (being a software developer, I pretty much cringe whenever computers are used as a plot point in virtually any tv show or movie). I'm just reminded of an old Dave Barry column called "Mister Language Person" in which he intentionally makes every grammatical mistake possible while addressing fake language usage questions, and for which he got a ton of reader mail calling him out on one specific "error" at the very end (using "your" instead of "you're") while ignoring all the other errors. ;-)
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Basic Member
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    9/10/2010 12:59 AM
    Honestly, I'd never thought about it myself. Course, I know next to nothing about drugs, so there ya go. :p As long as you take the series with a grain of salt, you'll do well enough. We know a lot of the weapons the companions use don't exist (I Adrian did this deliberately to create "advanced models" or somesuch), but really - who says they can't? Teleportation doesn't exist either, nor do killer robots, androids, genetically engineered species, or most of the other stuff we see. Not in our universe, at least... but this is an alternate universe where history evolved differently. As long as things retain some semblance of believability, I'm happy with it.
    New Member
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    9/10/2010 10:01 AM
    My nephew is a Pharmacist ,so I tend to agree with you. I actually never thought "Jolt" was a specific concoction. I always assumed it was the local equivalent of what our parents called "Hard Stuff" as opposed to beer and wine. Local Ville Moonshine.
    The Phantom
    Basic Member
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    9/10/2010 3:41 PM
    Maybe it was concentrated Jolt cola. Just add carbonated water...

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    9/10/2010 7:10 PM
    I always thought that Cocaine was difficult to make with the best of conditions so would be almost impossible to make in the wastes of DL ?

    Maybe the Cocaine in jolt is cocaine sulphate the intermediate stage between the coca leaf and the finished cocaine hydrochloride crystal.

    Coca leaves stripped from plant.
    Put into plastic bath with a solution of water and dilute sulphuric acid.
    Climb into the bath and step on the mess for a while maybe shove it around with your hands once in a while.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    New Member
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    9/12/2010 1:06 AM
    Posted By Ron Miles on 09 Sep 2010 04:47 PM
    Of all the absurd, improbable/impossible, and flat out scientifically preposterous things in the series, that's the one that jumps out for you? Huh.

    Not really.
    It's just I have what you might say an extensive background in the use or knowledge of the use of some of those 3 drugs.
    While the other things like teleportation and all the other things someone else pointed out here does not exist,those 3 drugs do.
    It is not my opinion,it is a fact thta those 3 drugs together can't happen.
    No coke/mescaline/heroin mix,no Jolt.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    8/30/2011 6:26 AM

    jolt most certainly does not exist, but a rather nasty little thing called a speedball does. This is where you inject heroin and cocaine at the same time for a most destructive high. This is what killed the late great John Belushi.
    I would imagine the global drugs economy would pretty much disappear after  a global thermo-nuclear war.
    I suppose it could be synthesised with a chemistry degree and supplies but i should imagine both would be in short supply.

    Warning, dont try this at home

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11/17/2011 9:41 AM
    I finally got a chance to reread Neutron Solstice and Homeward Bound, two books where jolt figures prominently. In the first one, it says that Tourment got his jolt from Colombia (which makes sense, except that heroin comes from Asia, and mescaline is made in the US). In HB, he describes jolt as being just cocaine and heroin - I'm not sure if this is a retcon or just an oversight. I think it would've been better if he'd been vague about the ingredients, or made it something more like meth, where it contains a number of ingredients that varies from maker to maker.
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