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Last Post 10/8/2010 12:13 PM by  Cerberus Man
Who is the best "bad guy" in the OL novels?
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10/4/2010 10:26 PM

    I personally think that Colonel C.W. Thrush is the best of the Cerberus gangs enemies. His character is evil personified. Still other villains through out the novels have been very well written. So please tell me who the best of the bad is and why.

    Cerberus Man
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    10/6/2010 8:33 AM
    On polls taken on prior versions of this site, Sindri always won as the "best" bad guy. But Mark created a lot of great villains--Zakat, Colonel Thrush, Lilitu, Enlil, Maccan. Even smaller scale bad guys like Boss Klaw and Benedict Snow were cool.
    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    Ron Miles
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    10/6/2010 6:59 PM
    Thrush is a good choice, and so is Sindri. But personally, when I think of Outlanders I think of the Danger Babes. Erica, Catamount, Beth Li, etc.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Cerberus Man
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    10/8/2010 12:13 PM
    Fatal Femmes! Another great part of Outlanders that Mark came up with...the best or worst of that bunch has to be Lilitu.
    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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