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Last Post 7/14/2011 9:34 PM by  Tom
The four-man group from "Awakening" and "Successors"
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1/11/2011 5:00 PM
In MY OPINION, based on his OL books ONLY--

Victor Milan is a bad writer.

In MY OPINION he's such a bad writer, I have no interest in reading anything he has written in the past or will write in the future.
Jeff Sichta
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2/15/2011 9:29 PM
Posted By )3az )3aziah on 18 Dec 2010 03:45 PM
Posted By Jeff Sichta on 17 Dec 2010 08:34 AM
...a la "Morrow Project"...

Did you / do you play Morrow Project?

I did, briefly, in college circa 1985.  Then Twilight:2000 came out, an RPG published by GDW (which was headquartered out of Normal, IL, where I was going to college at that time), and I played Twilight for about four more years.  

Since then, no real RPG gaming...but I still have all of my old RPG books and modules.  Every so often I take them out to read, but after all of these years, I have no real interest in playing them.

Victor Milan did say he was fairly well influenced by MP, however, when he wrote "The Guardians" series.
Jeff Sichta
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2/15/2011 9:32 PM
A little belated (as real-life tends to intrude upon my forum time), but many thanks to Ron and all who have filled me in. I have a better understanding of the nature of how Milan's contribution to the Outlanders universe is perceived now...and thanks for going easy on me, folks...
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6/23/2011 12:03 AM
I am almost done with the last Milan Graphic Audio Outlanders story about the Cosmic Eye. I made myself just get to the other side with these ones! I would have to say that even the characters are embaressed about what was written about them!
New Member
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7/14/2011 9:34 PM
Just started Dark Goddess, awsome start!
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