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Last Post 7/9/2011 5:09 PM by  Ron Miles
Outlanders 57 - Scarlet Dream
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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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7/6/2011 12:44 PM
Posted By Ron Miles on 06 Jul 2011 10:20 AM

You and Baz have both completely missed the point.

although Baz has apparently decided to go back and edit himself...

It was the coming back a week later by both of you to take additional swipes without provocation...

but your behavior on this forum has been consistently troll-ish for as long as I can remember....

Have I, where exactly have I missed the point?

I edited the review to remove all mention of Mark or Rik and replaced it with the authors "name", this fits in more with your theme and removes any mistake of conflict.

I came back simply to let folk know that my review had been taken down by Amazon, where was I taking a swipe or trying to cause provocation. Actually who was I trying to provoke? The last posts here by folk other than myself, the phantom or Cerberus man have been made weeks ago by one post fly by nights who have most likely forgotten their passwords and the address of this site.

I take it that your last remark is aimed at both of us as you started the post aimed at both of us? Again I remind you of all the threads I have started and took part in that a serious scientific and intelligent content over the years and how I have on several occasions took the full force attack of sock puppets you have allowed to stay around here without giving back what was given.

If that is your view then as I said in my post above I will get out of your pissy pool, dry off and watch as the waters go stagnant. Sadly this new revamp that has most likely taken you a long time to develop, will be empty and hollow in the months to come.

I'm out of here.

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7/6/2011 3:47 PM

Jim, if you're still out there, please do e-mail me with the reference to the DL book in Scarlet Dream if you can find it again. I can't find a copy of the book in this small burg.


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7/7/2011 4:59 AM
Just for the record--

The charge that Cerberus Man or Jim (Baz) ever acted in a manner remotely trollish during their years of participatiion on this site is totally unfounded and completely untrue.

A number of trolls rampaged through here over the years (one of whom was inexplicably allowed to stay despite repeated and blatant violations of the rules), but neither CM or Baz were, by any possible stretch of reality, among that number.

Noit no how. Not no way.
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7/9/2011 12:36 PM

I think there's plenty of blame to go around here. Baz's review was harsh, edging into insulting, which is probably why Amazon took it down. He could've easily avoided comparing Rik to Mark while still pointing out all the book's failings (and there are many - see below).

On the other hand, Ron, I think your reaction, while warranted, was a little over the top. You're the site owner - you're supposed to be setting the example for us peons. You could have been a good deal more diplomatic about his review - sarcasm: "Gee, biased much?" or polite moderator mode: "I think this review is overly confrontational and unfair, and I think you should tone it down a bit." If you really wanted to unload on him, you could have handled it in private. Imagine if some new guy comes along and sees this; what would he think?

After that, it devolves into sniping, accusations, and name-calling, at which point I doubt very little could have been done to salvage the situation. You should all be ashamed of yourselves - you're all adults, and yet you're acting like children.

Cathy: I stopped by Barnes and Noble earlier and skimmed through a copy (they still had several in stock). They find "a well thumbed paperback with a man's booted feet on the bright red cover" in the barracks - an obvious reference to a DL novel, for those of us familiar with the series, but more like an easter egg than anything.

And yes, he did include several zombies just as Baz described. I honestly can't think of a word to describe my feelings on that - somewhere between "WTF?" and complete disgust. I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish there - I'm sure it was intended as an inside joke, but it fails miserably.

Ron Miles
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7/9/2011 5:09 PM
Locking this because no further good can come of it. (Well, not like any good came of it in the first place). Not trying to stifle dissent, feel free to email or message me with any comments or concerns.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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