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Last Post 2/16/2013 4:04 PM by  Shaun L. Poole
Approved or not??
 5 Replies
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New Member
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5/19/2011 11:21 AM
    So how does a person know if a post has been moderated yet or not? I've made a couple posts 3 days ago and neither one of them has been posted to the thread, but I also didn't get any kind of alert that they had been denied. And, if they were deemed not acceptable, I'd sure like to know why not since there was nothing in either of them not conforming to forum standards.

    A bit irritating actually, as I'd enjoy engaging in more conversation and activity here, but not if I've got to wait DAYS for something I've written to get posted - and never know if it has been approved or not.
    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    6/26/2011 12:28 PM
    The short answer is: I suck.

    The long answer is: Apparently for the last two months my spam filter has been eating the notifications to me of posts that need to be moderated. Combine that with the fact that I have been heads-down in a major project at work that has sucked up all of my time and attention, and I pretty much just fell down as a moderator.

    My sincere apologies to everyone.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/18/2011 2:25 PM
    Have you considered switching to phpbb? Im rather good with php/sql programming, I used to have a web site (my own server actually, but could not afford it anymore) and I never got spam as I know how to add programs and code to prevent it? (ive created/released around 50 php mods) Im only here on weekends, but Id be more then happy to help you switch should you ever decide to do so? Im not familiar with Active Forums 4.2 but with work you could duplicate the site with phpbb.. and I could guarantee I could make it spam prof... but obviously it would take allot of work
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    3/17/2012 7:37 AM
    Hello I seem to be having the same trouble as the original starter of this thread. I have made 4 posts this month and none of them have shown up yet. Can I get some help please.
    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    3/19/2012 3:02 PM
    My apologies. When we did the server move a few weeks back, apparently that broke the email notification. Nothing was getting moderated because I wasn't getting any emails notifying me that anything *needed* to be moderated.

    I have approved everything that had piled up in the moderation queue, and I am working now to resolve the email notification issue.

    In the future, if you are ever wondering about the status of a post not showing up, please send me a direct email at and I will be happy to look into it. I can say with virtual certainty that the problem will not be anything to do with you, and will almost certainly be either me dropping the ball or a software configuration somewhere dropping the ball on my behalf.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Shaun L. Poole
    New Member
    New Member

    2/16/2013 4:04 PM

    I have never had so much trouble getting into a website in my life.

    You need to get someone to make it simpler for everyone.

    It shows me logged in

    It shows me on line but from there there is nothing


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