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Last Post 9/26/2011 9:50 AM by  mikeclr
Outlanders vs reality
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9/20/2011 8:06 PM
    Ok, I have been looking into the outlander series, and there are some intelligent fascinating things that this series follows..

    Are the reptile race that the nine barons are, have anything to do with David Icke? search his name on you tube to see what he talks about..

    Also.. would the name zacaria senchin have anything to do with the sumarian concept that outlanders seems to have? Just curious, check his name in google to see what I mean..

    It seem to me that the authors have followed some possibly beliefs for this series, dont get me wrong, I think is awesome, the fact that I know the names I posted proves that, just never expected a series could actually use that info
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    9/24/2011 10:00 AM
    Yes, you're right on both counts you clever lad...although the concept of a reptilian race influencing human development predates David Icke's weird theories by many years. In some instances, millennia.

    I came up with the mythological basis for the Outlanders series as a way to differentiate it from well as the idea of featuring the "Babe of the Book" on the covers.

    Zecharia Stichin's theories regarding the Annunaki weren't new by any means, but he put them together in a semi-cohesive form, recasting them as not just myths but the history of a squabbling royal family.

    Just to let you know--there are no "authors" plural in those examples...just me, the Outlanders series creator, Mark Ellis.
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    9/24/2011 1:22 PM
    Very cool I had a feeling that was the case (I registered on Mark Ellis site a week ago and said Hi )

    I'm aware of of the far pre dating of Icke, that was the name that came to mind at the moment, and I didn't want to get all conspiracy theory here, but figured if that name didn't ring a bell to someone here, then maybe I was wrong, cool the creator of Outlanders posts here I take it you read the book of Enu? (was somthing like that right?) The Sumerian tablets that were translated.. 

    I have quite a few movies on the subject(s) I grabbed off websites and youtube and various places through out the years, its always been a hobby of mine, and when I read the main info on Outlanders on your site, I immediately wondered about this, and hoped that this was in fact the case

    PS.. Its so cool that the actual authors post here, thats too dame cool

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    9/25/2011 5:18 AM
    As I've posted before, the original concept for Outlanders was not connected to DL at was set in contemporary times and titled Major Arcana.

    In fact, the prologue of Savage Sun featuring the resurrection of Enlil was initially written in December of '95 as the prologue for the first Major Arcana book...I knocked it out at the same time I was writing DL Demons of Eden.

    I think you mean the Book of Enki, and I never read that one...however, Enki does indeed show up in the scaly flesh in Dragonheart and as a kind of computer program in Children of the Serpent.

    There is just about as much material in Outlanders dealing with the Celtic myths of the Tuatha da Danaan.

    I deal with similar concepts--but in a purer way--in my new series, The Spur.

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    9/25/2011 9:10 AM
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    9/25/2011 9:14 AM
    Yeah, that's the one where Kane teams up with an Annunaki to travel around to the various baronies staging duels to the death, then splitting the profits--

    Oh, wait.

    I guess I meant Dragoneye.

    Hey, isn't writing this junk enough? I have to remember the titles, too?!?
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    9/25/2011 2:54 PM
    Cool, thanks for the info, sound really cool yup thats the book I ment, the Book of Enki, opps lol
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    9/26/2011 9:50 AM
    I thought I was gonna have to watch that old movie again.
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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