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Last Post 11/4/2012 8:40 PM by  Diablo
Bad books,the authors who wrote them,the people who hate them and the people who just like to watch
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6/29/2012 3:02 PM
Posted By Maximus on 29 Jun 2012 02:50 PM  

Does that say something about today's society?

Not really. Read some history. Nothing has changed. We are still as God (or evil-ution) made us. The advances of technology only MAGNIFY the bad things we are capable of.

Sheesh, Maximus, this is Intro to DL (DL 101) course material.

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6/29/2012 3:06 PM

But sex and violence are always mixed in together. History or no.

Most violent cases are because of sex, or lack therof.


Then there's the religion aspect. This has caused more wars than any sexpot.

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6/29/2012 3:17 PM
Posted By Maximus on 29 Jun 2012 03:06 PM

But sex and violence are always mixed in together. History or no.

Most violent cases are because of sex, or lack therof.


Then there's the religion aspect. This has caused more wars than any sexpot.

Problem here is, you're agreeing with me, but you don't seem to understand that.

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6/29/2012 4:21 PM

This thread has took a turn into the Edo Van Belkom realm.

I honestly thought the companions were going to ditch their guns and clothes at any minute and run a train on Krysty or Mildred in Skydark Spawn.

Or Ryan and JB would sudenly become bi-curious. *me shudders

God I was creeped out.



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7/1/2012 2:30 AM
Posted By Kerrick on 29 Jun 2012 01:32 AM

 He was raped once by a stickie in Moon Fate, but that's it

Just to be a stickler, he had to boink her 3 times, and then forced to eat some sticky va-jay-jay, while she tried to smother him with it...

Well if we're being gross and everything. I pride myself with at least knowing the facts of the books.

I could really give two shits less about the sex in the books. I just dislike inuendo's that don't fall into fruition.

As far as that absurd poll? Well if all I had to fap to was a DL novel then I would hope I was at least in prison...





)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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7/1/2012 11:32 AM
I have maintained all along that DL and OL only need such scenes if they are absolutely necessary to the plot line, otherwise they are just "thrill fill" for those that cant legally purchase or download "Wrist exercise" material.

SP is quite correct in saying Ryan has been in action away from home several times throughout the series, including when LJ held the pen!

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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7/3/2012 1:18 AM
SP: First off: sorry. I didn't mean to jump on you so hard, but someone (obviously not you) did indeed claim that Ryan's had sex with other women before (nd not that long ago, either).

Second: Kate Webb tried to seduce Ryan, but he rebuffed her. Where did you read that line you quoted? I can't find it.

Third: Pyra Quadde raped one of her sailors, named Kenny, not Ryan. That's in the summary. She wanted Ryan, and even had him taken to her cabin to do the deed, but he escaped before she could.

JB and Mildred have never had a graphic scene like Ryan and Krysty, but I do recall a time or two when there was some action that was a little more than implied. For my part, I think the sex scenes are part and parcel of pulp fiction, just like the excessive gore.
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7/3/2012 1:21 PM
Posted By Kerrick on 03 Jul 2012 01:18 AM 
For my part, I think the sex scenes are part and parcel of pulp fiction, just like the excessive gore.

You're right. The plots (and I use the term loosely) in DLs are almost always contrived to provide opportunities (excuses) for graphic violence. Sex plays a relatively insignificant role, and when it does show up, it is just as contrived, and usually is bizarre and sadistic--witness the bug almost put up Krysty's butt in one of the early LJ books (PTH or Homeward Bound, can't recall). IMO, that says more about the author and his choices/"interests" (more than we ever wanted to know?) than the series.

I know I wrote some over the top gross-out stuff, but I always looked at it as satire, which is invariably lost in DLs. Oh well ... it got me through the ordeal. Perhaps LJ was thinking the same thing with the bug in her butt? Or Doc being forced to copulate with hogs?

Different strokes (pun).


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7/3/2012 2:22 PM
Posted By Kerrick on 03 Jul 2012 01:18 AM
SP: First off: sorry. I didn't mean to jump on you so hard, but someone (obviously not you) did indeed claim that Ryan's had sex with other women before (nd not that long ago, either).

Second: Kate Webb tried to seduce Ryan, but he rebuffed her. Where did you read that line you quoted? I can't find it.

Third: Pyra Quadde raped one of her sailors, named Kenny, not Ryan. That's in the summary. She wanted Ryan, and even had him taken to her cabin to do the deed, but he escaped before she could.

JB and Mildred have never had a graphic scene like Ryan and Krysty, but I do recall a time or two when there was some action that was a little more than implied. For my part, I think the sex scenes are part and parcel of pulp fiction, just like the excessive gore.


I did infact bring it up earlier in this thread. As it is true, And I was answering a question AP had asked about why would Ryan boink Ti? I was simply curious why you brought it up again.

I quoted that directly from the deathlands wiki linked from google direct. Unless it's been edited it should still be there. Fourth paragraph in Chill Factor synopsis.

Page 173 Chill Factor, Kate and Ryan were both naked."You Know, Ryan. Please. He didn't say anything, and Kate moved against his body, her arms around him, hands reaching. "Please."

End of chapter.

 Now I don't know about anyone else but that doesn't sound like he rebuffed her to much as that was the way it ended, and the next pages are him not wanting to be interupted of laying naked with Kate by the fire. Doesn't leave too much of the imagination. Even though on Page 180 he almost chops her head off for threatening to turn him in to Zimyanin if Ryan doesn't take her with him.



As far as Pyra Quade? I dunno, been 15 years since I read Dectra Chain, I'll look later on when I have the time.

Edited: I just checked and you are correct as far as Ryan getting away before she has the chance to rape him.

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7/3/2012 4:13 PM

Found it for you.

"Ryan makes his way down the treacherous mountain path and is eventually forced to seek shelter from a harsh blizzard. He finds the entrance to an abandoned mine tunnel, occupied by Kate Webb and her elderly grandfather Cody, two slaves who have escaped from the mine but have discovered they have nowhere to flee to. Cody is abruptly killed soon after when the fourth sec hunter emerges from the blizzard, following Ryan and killing Cody because he was in the way. Kate and Ryan flee deeper into the mine, eventually losing the 'droid by jumping over a large chasm blocking the tunnel. Venturing deeper they discover a fast-moving underground river, which unexpectedly swells and draws them into it. They are briefly stopped by a net strung across the river by "trackies" - hostile mutants - and after nearly being killed by a large group of them Kate and Ryan take their chances in the river again. When the finally find themselves outside again and on land Ryan narrowly manages to get both of them to the shelter of a small cave and start a fire before they succumb to the cold. Grateful for him saving her life, Kate seduces Ryan into having sex with her."

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7/4/2012 1:14 AM

Okay, as far as the book is concerned... it's really unclear whether they did or not. Ryan never says anything to Krysty about it, and certainly doesn't feel guilty about it. From the relationship they have, I'd think he would feel *something*, but... the way the next chapter begins, it kind of implies that they did do more than just sleep naked together. *shrug*

As for that quote: that's not from this wiki, and I didn't write it. You can check the Chill Factor summary; it hasn't been updated since last October. I did find a missing line break, though, so I'll have to fix that at some point.

Oh, and I was talking about another thread where someone had claimed Ryan's had sex with other people - it was a few months ago.

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7/4/2012 1:25 AM
Posted By Kerrick on 04 Jul 2012 01:14 AM

Okay, as far as the book is concerned... it's really unclear whether they did or not. Ryan never says anything to Krysty about it, and certainly doesn't feel guilty about it. From the relationship they have, I'd think he would feel *something*, but... the way the next chapter begins, it kind of implies that they did do more than just sleep naked together. *shrug*

As for that quote: that's not from this wiki, and I didn't write it. You can check the Chill Factor summary; it hasn't been updated since last October. I did find a missing line break, though, so I'll have to fix that at some point.

Oh, and I was talking about another thread where someone had claimed Ryan's had sex with other people - it was a few months ago.

Please X out of this site and go to google direct. Then wiki Deathlands. Then Chill factor. You will see it.

That's fine if it isn't yours, I assumed both were the same.


It matters not, really. As far as JB and Mildred are concearned, which I never brought up so I don't know if that was directed at me as point number 4... I just read a couple of books, one of which was Arcadians Asylum and it was quite graphic in their sex play. At least I think it was that book. I don't feel like quoting page numbers right now as I don't feel like looking.

It doesn't really matter, Ryan has boinked other woman at least 2 or 3 times. I am currently reading the whole series again even the novels I have allready read, And I am sure of it. I will be sure to quote some more books. Until then No worries man.

Also you are talking about the relationship they had after LJ wrote the series. While he was it was more of a "survival and enjoy-the-moment" kind of thing.



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7/7/2012 4:20 PM

Why are you using Google to search the wiki? We have a wiki link at the top of the page. It's very easy to navigate from there.

I have no idea what Google Direct is; a Google search turned up, in order: Wikipedia (duh), another DL wiki on (WTF??) and this wiki. I thought you might be quoting the Archives (that summary also says Kate seduced him), but that's not it either. Can you give me a link? I'm intrigued now.* Here's the link to the one I wrote - I meant to put it in my last post, but forgot:

I've only read about 75% of the books, so there might well be something I missed, but Ryan and Krysty have always been "a couple", even in the early books. She's always talking about being soulmates and such, and they're in love.

*Edit: I found it - it's on Wikipedia. This site has its own wiki, as I mentioned; that's the one I'm working on.

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7/7/2012 4:48 PM

Yes, I know this. I have read them both. I assumed at the time that when you said that you wrote the "wiki" you were referring to the universal Wikipedia and that the above wiki was merely that in a condensed form and easier to link to for forum members.


Also yes Ryan and Krysty have alway's been a couple. That was never being debated, the debate involves Ryan boinking other women. The point I was making was when LJ was penning the series "Being a couple" and Ryan's opinion on infedelity was there wasn't such a thing. As He still loved Krysty as matter of factly. So in other words, it wasn't worth him bringing it up.






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10/25/2012 11:32 PM
yo...whats up with the profile pics Ron?
Ron Miles
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10/26/2012 7:23 AM
Grr. I thought I had migrated as many of the profile pics as possible, but I *know* that some of the people in this thread are once that I touched. I'll try again, see if I can figure out the problem. In the meantime, if you want to set your own again just follow the steps in this thread:
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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10/28/2012 3:07 AM
lmao....Ron did u just say u "touched" ppl?and that u would try again?this is some funny shit...I know what Ron is tryin to say,its looks crazy
Ron Miles
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10/28/2012 10:14 AM
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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11/4/2012 8:40 PM
its so great u have sense of humor Ron
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