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Last Post 9/30/2012 11:45 AM by  Jax2
Maybe of interest to some--
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Cerberus Man
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8/12/2010 10:23 AM
You lay out what is what, that is for sure!
"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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8/17/2010 12:58 PM wouldn't think I'd have to after all these years, all these books as James Axler, all these other credentials.

I guess it's always a little bit at a time...for example...did you know Doc Savage was first mentioned in Outlanders way back in Omega Path, published over a dozen years ago?

And surprisingly enough...I even wrote Doc Savage back in the day. Go figure.

Well, tomorrow I head to the Cape Cod Writer's Conference and my graphic novel writing workshops...I'll probably bring some examples of my Doc Savage work as examples.

At some point while I'm there, I'm sure I'll be asked about all of the Outlanders books I wrote under my pen-name of James Axler...since I'll be selling signed copies in the conference bookstore.
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8/30/2010 7:31 PM
Yet another blog entry...two in less than a month!
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11/13/2010 8:37 PM
And again--

Another new blog usual with pichurs!
Cerberus Man
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11/16/2010 10:26 AM
Very cool report!
"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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12/13/2010 8:50 AM
Like it sez....maybe of interest to some.
Cerberus Man
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12/15/2010 2:38 PM
I think its of interest.

Could Justice Machine beat Ryan and and his group in a fight?
"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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12/15/2010 4:36 PM
Posted By Cerberus Man on 15 Dec 2010 02:38 PM
I think its of interest.

Could Justice Machine beat Ryan and and his group in a fight?

Hell yes...
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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1/1/2011 11:11 AM
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6/27/2011 2:41 PM
Long overdue blog entry.

Great new look for the site, too! Beautiful work!
Cerberus Man
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6/28/2011 10:16 AM
Great blog! Looking forward to The Spur and The Justice Machine!
"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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9/24/2011 10:26 AM

New blog entry...sloppin' over with blogginess.

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2/1/2012 4:25 PM
Links to a couple of interviews some here might find of interest...others not so much. You takes yer chances. http://forums.jazmaonline...ic.asp?TOPIC_ID=4089
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2/6/2012 8:34 AM
Great coverage! It's great you've gotten out of the Gold Eagle ghetto and you're doing what you really want to do and Dark Horse has recognized your talent! Can't wait for the graphic novels.
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2/15/2012 12:30 PM
The Jazma article was very interesting. The "thinking man's action adventure" comment was spot on. That's one of the main reasons I always enjoyed ME's OL titles. The amount of research behind the locales, legends, science, etc. have always been evident to me.

I cant stomach much from the other authors in the OL series. No offense guys, you are great writers (well, most of you). But anytime I've allowed myself to read a non ME OL, I always found myself saying "Grant would never say that" or "that's not what Domi acts like".
It's not personal against other authors, there's no way to perfectly duplicate the creators creations, nor should they be ;>)

That "thinking man's" approach worked on me when I was in my 20's when OL first came out, and still works on me as I push 40. Unfortunately, all a long time hard-core ME OL fan like me is left with is re-reading the series in a surgical way so as to never tire of what are to me classics of all classics.

I will pick up "Cryptozoica" if for no other reason than ME obviously put serious time and energy into, so it's gotta be good.
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5/11/2012 1:11 PM
This week marks the 15th anniversary of the release of EXILE TO HELL--the first novel in my Outlanders well as the publication of Demons of Eden, my second entry in the Deathlands series. I remember walking through an airport and feeling kinda startled when I glimpsed both books displayed side-by-side and face-out in a bookseller's kiosk.

Other than taking a certain personal and professional satisfaction from the fact that a novel series featuring my characters and concepts is still being published when most series of that type are moldering on the shelves of used bookstores, Outlanders is significant in that it is the last of its ongoing mass market action-adventure paperback series created by one writer instead of a committee.

I'm not trying to make any more of the matter than it deserves, but when you consider that Gold Eagle tried out over a dozen series between 1990 and 1995 and Outlanders was the only one that made it in a very tough marketplace...well, it doesn't hurt to remind certain people of that, just as a matter of policy. 

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5/12/2012 2:15 PM
That's quite the accomplishment, Mark.

We've discussed this numerous times over the years and yes, it's a shame how things worked out, especially how bad that GE treated you.

Would I like to see you still writing the series? Of course. But that's just not in the cards.

At any rate, Congratulations at reaching this milestone in the series that YOU created and others are too damned stupid to continue writing in the manner you laid down.

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5/12/2012 3:59 PM
At first I hesitated to accept your "too damned stupid" assessment.

Then I glanced over the pages available via the "Look Inside" option for Dragon City on Amazon and found this description of Reba DeFore:

"...almost ghostlike pallor her already pale skin."

Y'know...if after 15 years worth of books wherein DeFore is almost always described as having "deep bronze skin" or some variation of brown (she passes for a native African in Rim of the World), her complexion is inexplicably "already pale" I guess "damned stupid" is the most appropriate judgment to levy.

And as long as I'm here...I'll state this AGAIN--

The circumstances that led to me NOT writing Outlanders at this time was essentially because about ten years ago, I asked the former GE executive editor some questions about  bookkeeping.

Despite everything else, that's what it really boils down to.

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5/19/2012 4:12 AM

That is SO shoddy...but after the Milan travesties, not a surprise.

Out of curiosity, did you write the "Road the Outlands" prologue at the beginning of every book?

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5/20/2012 3:17 AM

Yeah,  I wrote it...most of it, anyway. Eva Kovacs, the then-OL/DL editor rewrote the last paragraph to echo Shakespeare.

Shoddy is a good covers a great deal...even contrivances that aren't part of the official "Rosalie" and "Dog".

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