A self-styled new god hijacks humanity in his quest for ultimate vengeance...
With their greatest asset, archivist Brigid Baptiste, lost to the enemy, Kane and the Cerberus rebels are losing the battle -- but not yet the war. As Kane succumbs to incapacitating hallucinations, Brigid's dark avatar lays siege to a special child who is the link to a ghastly pantheon of despotic rule.
This book was way better than the slower and more difficult to read "Infestation Cubed". I admit the storyline with Ulikummis does make me wonder how Cerberus can defeat him when he's made of rock, he didn't die after being blasted into a raging furnace and now he has nearly "one million" followers across the Deathlands.
It also doesn't help that Brigid is under his thrall, which will be difficult to save her, if that's even possible. Those obedience stones sure do work well.
Anyway, the only part I felt was really an "as if" moment was at the end, when the doomie/seer brought everyone together because she "saw" into the future and knew when to just arrange things so that Cerberus would be where she was. Rather implausible, but I guess she is a mutie.
I sure hope Kane and the group can find some way to kill Uli. When their base is toast, they have no heavy weapons and their base team is scattered, this series will be difficult to continue.
It seems for the most part, this website has more DL fans than OL ones. This is from the lack of reviews and overall blogging about this series.
Since Ellis's departure, this series has taken a backseat, when it used to be front and center. Like seemingly loads of other long-time fans, I tried the new two authors, and found them lacking. The first un-Ellis OL book was pretty good, but the following one after that was pretty dismal.
So the slow decline for me started. I still tried every OL book that came out, hoping for maybe a warm-up period for these two new writers. While one got worse, this one here proved he has the stones to pen a solid OL book.
I found myself immersed in this particular novel, and it carried me all the way through for the first time in a long time. Normally I start one, and find myself bored after a few chapters and give them up.
But this one was very interesting. I like this evil Brigid and Kane being somehow infused with alien DNA, or whatever it is. This Rosalia character was interesting too. Although how she learned how to use a katana so well with no training was far-fetched, I still found myself glued to the pages. The action sequences, for the most part, were very good. Very Ellis-like.
Planet Hate, personally for me, was one of the better OL in a long time.
Now, let's see if the next two books of this story arc can keep my attention...