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Last Post 3/8/2009 4:22 AM by  tymoore
Large Chunks or Entire Series? Advice???
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7/11/2008 5:23 PM

    I just finished a degree, am about to go on a lengthy vacation, and want to devour a pile of fiction.  It has been nearly 5 years since I've had time to read for fun... it used to be my single largest hobby, and I loved gritty post-apocalyptic fiction like Deathlands, Amtrak Wars, etc.  I want to refamiliarize myself with the series.  I figure that I can read the whole series in my spare time while I wait to see if I passed the Bar.

    Anyone have advice on the best way to pick up a bunch of used copies from this series at a time?  I just tried using Amazon, generally an awesome way to buy used and new books, but the S&H on $60 worth of used books (60 of them) was about $180... heartbreaking.  I'm kicking myself for not buying the whole series (81 books) on eBay a week ago.  Advice???  Anyone looking to liquidate their hoarde of books?

    "Long is the way and hard that out of Hell leads up to light." - Milton
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    7/20/2008 1:08 AM

    Congrats on the degree.

    There are several places to fine used DL on line,

    1) Like you said, Ebay is great, sometimes you can find "MAJOR" lots. 30-40 book lots are not uncommon.  I have seen entire collections in the past.

    2) abebooks is another place to find singles.  Can shop lots of individual sellers and pay once.  If you try hard enough, you can find most of the earlier books for $1-2 each plus shipping.  The trick is to surf the individual sellers to lessen the shipping. 

    Good Luck and have a great Vacation.


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    7/22/2008 6:31 PM

    Thanks for the heads-up regarding Abebooks. I think that Amazon, who sponsors this site, shows abebooks as a supplier. 

    The real headache with respect to used books and multiple online stores is shipping.  The books I've found are dirt cheap... I was able to piece together a nearly complete collection (omitting some of the earlier expensive books) for about $60 from a half-dozen retailers.  shipping was just shy of $200. 

    I visited my local used book store and found nothing... dissapointing.  I'm keeping a wary eye on Ebay for larger lots.  I've got 2 more weeks before I head overseas on my trip and am itching to pick up a few paperbacks to take with me.

    "Long is the way and hard that out of Hell leads up to light." - Milton
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    7/27/2008 9:42 PM

    Yeah, shipping can be a pain.  I really lucked out early in my DL addiction.  A small book store here in portland had an AWESOME owner.  He went to 2-3 big book auctions a month.  I picked up 30-40 books from him alone.  Almost all of my earlier books are from him. 

    I got hooked by a wore-out copy of  Dectra Chain that my wife brought home from the "Free pile" at the base library.  It was all downhill from there.

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    11/2/2008 1:17 AM

    I have the whole collection  as well as Outlanders, which I would be willing to sell

    but as you know the s&h would be costly.  Where are you from.  I'm in Ontario, Canada.

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    11/8/2008 3:09 AM

     How much you want for the collection and how much is Shipping?

    I'm seriously interested.

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    1/12/2009 12:43 PM


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    3/8/2009 4:22 AM

    I just read your post.  I haven't logged in for a while.  Please contact me at and put "Deathlands" somewhere in the title.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

    "Long is the way and hard that out of Hell leads up to light." - Milton
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