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Last Post 2/4/2009 9:41 PM by  Cowgirl
Deathlands - Graphic Audio Books
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1/5/2009 7:57 PM

    I have around 30 of the Deathlands series by Graphic Audio and around 30 of the Deathlands series not by Graphic Audio.  Most of them in sequence from Deathlands #0 - Encounter and on.  I can post a list if someone is interested in trading.

    I would really like to trade for the remainder of the Graphic Audio series that I do not have.  I travel a lot and obviously these are great for keeping you awake.

    Let me know.


    New Member
    New Member

    1/9/2009 5:29 PM

    so what do you have and what do you want?

    New Member
    New Member

    1/12/2009 8:44 AM

    How much will you take for them...?

    I just started with this stuff and like them so far, are they CD's ?



    New Member
    New Member

    1/12/2009 1:04 PM

    Here is a list of what I have.  (Graphic Audio - 26)  (Non-Graphic Audio - 22)

    Deathlands Graphic Audio Books:

    #0 - Encounter, #1 - Pilgrimage to Hell, #2 - Red Holocaust, #3 - Neutron Solstice, #5 - Homeward Bound, #6 - Pony Soldiers, #7 - Dectra Chain, #8 - Ice and Fire, #9 - Red Equinox, #10 - Northstar Rising, #11 - Time Nomads, #12 - Latitude Zero, #13 - Seedling, #14 - Dark Carnival, #15 - Chill Factor, #16 - Moon Fate, #17 - Fury's Pilgrims, #18 - Shockscape, #21 - Twilight Children, #22 - Rider, Reaper, #43 - Dark Emblem, #46 - Gemini Rising, #47 - Gaia's Demise, #48 - Dark Reckoning, #49 - Shadow World, #50 - Pandora's Redoubt

    Non-Graphic Audio:

    18, 19, 21-40

    Most of these were downloads from Graphic Audio, purchases from Truck Stops, or trades from local book stores.  I no longer have any of the original CD's, only the electronic copy on my computer.  I can however burn a set of CD's if someone doesn't have an iPod or other portable media player.

    I don't really want to sell, I was looking for someone to possibly trade, but I guess I could sell if someone just wanted to buy them.  Let me know.


    New Member
    New Member

    2/4/2009 9:41 PM

    I VERY interested in #0 Encounter, what do you want for that one?? The only thing I'd have to trade would be (which I have SEVERAL of) would be the DL on cassette which were dh audio (outdated, I know, sorry)

    Live like you ain't afraid to die, and don't be scared, just enjoy the ride.
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    DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.