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Last Post 1/14/2010 4:08 PM by  darkravenangel
Entire set in good condition for sale.
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1/1/2010 3:07 PM

    I have the entire set from "Pilgrimage to Hell" where the author was listed as Jack Adrian, to "Prophecy" and they are for sale. The vast majority have only been read once and have spent the rest of the time sitting on my book shelves, though I admit I did go back at one time and reread the whole series up to a point. 

    They are in good to excellent condition and I would like to get rid of them in one lot if possible. I really don't care to go through the hassle of sending a few books here and a few books there.

    I finally realized I just don't have a reason to keep them. If I can't sell them outright I'll take them down to the Veteran's Hospital where I know they'll be appreciated by the guys coming back from our current little fiasco in the middle east. We can't seem to stop getting into those things. Mine was Vietnam and the Arab-Israeli Ass-tangle in 1976. They all end up the same way. With lots of dead people and nothing solved or satisfied.

    If anyone is interested let me know either here or at 


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    1/2/2010 2:14 AM
    Hi Duke.  I am the darkravenangel, die-hard Deathlands fan,  I hope your holidays are going ok.  I would like to purchase your Deathlands books, not to question you, but are you sure that you have every single one from "Pilgrammage to hell(1986) to Prophecy(2009?)  When I your post I had to write you.  I WILL TAKE THEM!  I can be reached @  Thank you.
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    1/2/2010 2:15 AM
    I can also be reached here at the site. Sorry. Haha!
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    1/2/2010 6:45 PM
    I sent you an email as well as replying here. Yeah, I have them all except for Encounter as that wasn't one of the regular series books. Haven't read the last one yet but I have it. I'm busy with Stephen Kings new big book Under the Dome. It's huge and takes awhile. Good read though.

    Some of my older books are getting fuzzy edges, but that's because I've had them a long time and moved them around the country with me. I'm retired Navy and never got over the moving thing. I still move every few years. About the time I get settled in really good I get this urge to move on. Been that way all my life. I think my wife is starting to get tired of it though and wants to stay where we are at now. Might just happen.

    None of the books have torn covers or pages, or any pages falling out or anything like that. They are all in good readable shape. Just been packed and unpacked several times.

    I'm not giving up on the Deathlands Series, The only reason I'm getting rid of them is I'll never read all of them again and I'm into a couple of new authors that their books are worth some money. I have a few signed first edition hardbacks and signed hardbacks that I managed to get from the authors. Bernard Cornwell, who if you haven't read any of his work you're really missing a good read is one of them. He writes about a guy named Sharpe who is in the British Army in the early 1800's fighting Napoleon in Spain and Portugal. The books are all named "Sharpe's Something" Gold, Sword, Cannon, whatever. He starts out as a private in India and in the last one he is a Lt. Col, and they've whipped Napoleon quite well. The writeing is very good and very true to history.

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    1/2/2010 9:53 PM
    Hey Duke.  I am currently in the Navy, coincedince, huh?  LOL!  Yes, bud, I will take your offer. I have been dying to get the whole collection, and also I already have Encounter.  Let me know what I have to do to get your collection, Duke.  Thanks.
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    1/3/2010 1:51 PM
    Well, I would say make me a reasonable offer that would include shipping or a fantastic offer and I'll pay shipping. Depending on where you're stationed it might be an easy set up. If you're anywhere near Jax, FL. That's a lot of books to mail. So we'd have to figure out the cheapest way to get them to you. Which might be a Grayhound ticket, or something like that. It all takes looking into. Since you're still on active duty I don't have to explain the price of money to ya.

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    1/13/2010 11:36 PM
    Ok so what is the status of this sale?
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    1/14/2010 4:08 PM
    Hey Duke.  Sorry for taking so long to respond.  How about a money order for 150 dollars?  Is that okay.  Either way, please let me know.  Thank you.
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