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Last Post 10/29/2011 10:40 PM by  Kerrick
Collection of Deathlands Books for Sale in Oregon!
 3 Replies
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New Member
New Member

10/12/2011 3:01 PM
    I have all the books from #1 Pilgrimage to Hell up to at least #62 Damnation Road Show ... there might be a few more that were bought later, but i'm not positive. If there are, I will send those too without any extra cost. Encounter is among them. They vary in condition from Brand New to Good or acceptable.. they were bought for my personal collection mainly through used book stores, Ebay, and some new. None are missing pages or torn up or anything like that. I am asking $150 for all of them plus shipping costs. If you are close and can pick them up, that's fine too!
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10/18/2011 8:30 AM
    Hey, is your offer still open? I live in Oregon too and I'm interested in expanding my collection. Drop me a line when you have a chance. I tried to PM you, but the forums refuse to recognize your name...
    New Member
    New Member

    10/28/2011 10:16 PM
    Sorry for the late reply, I was out of town Yes, my offer is still open, you can email me directly at:   That's so weird that it wouldn't recognize my name .. maybe a glitch, lol?
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10/29/2011 10:40 PM
    I think it's something with the forums... some other folks were having problems with the PMs, and I can't send one to anyone else either.
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