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Last Post 11/10/2012 9:25 AM by  Maximus
Outlanders 63 - Genesis Sinister
 5 Replies
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

5/1/2012 12:22 PM

    This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders #63 - Genesis Sinister

    The bibliography page is located HERE

    You can submit your own review HERE

    Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    WoT Vet07
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    11/8/2012 11:42 PM
    Decent read, Brigid has gotten over her angst and guilt (yawn) and even managed to resurrect Kane when she overwrote the World Machine program.  Rosie was very patient and compassionate with Brigid at the nunnery.  I was kind of hoping that she would get tired of Brigid's bout of self-pity and tell her to "snap out of it B----!" (sigh).  Rosie will now guard a rich man and his yacht transiting the Panama Canal.  That can't be as exciting as fighting Evil (and crazed) Annunaki bent on world domination, maybe she will get bored with her assignment and want to return to Cerberus?  Unless, there's something more to this "material" that the supposed local magnate is shipping?  Perhaps, some critical situation will occur in Panama requiring Cerberus intervention in the near future?  I also find Mother Superior Ungela's use of the term "spiritual guidance" vastly amusing.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    11/9/2012 8:28 AM

    Posted By WoT Vet07 on 11/8/2012 11:42:37 PM

    ...and even managed to resurrect Kane when she overwrote the World Machine program. 

    I bet no one saw that coming...


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    11/9/2012 10:50 AM

    I had all but given up on this Outlanders series. I have all of them, even though I have virtually given up after trying out Infestation Cubed, then giving up halfway thru that one.


    So the rest just pile up...until I decided to try Planet Hate, which I actually found very fun and exciting, despite some small issues in it. But it was wayyyy better than any of Doug's I've tried.


    I actually enjoyed the fast-paced and action of Planet Hate, along with a bad Brigid and an alien-infested Kane. So instead of going back to read the ones in my slush pile, I might just forge ahead and continue this storyline with Dragon City.

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    11/9/2012 3:16 PM
    Posted By Maximus on 11/9/2012 10:50:21 AM

    I had all but given up on this Outlanders series. 

    Judging by the royalty statement I received from GE this past Wednesday, you're among the vast majority.

    Advanced Member
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    11/10/2012 9:25 AM

    Yeah, we miss you.


    But I have to admit, (if I haven't already!), that I actually liked the Outlanders novel Planet Hate. Although there were some issues I had with it, overall, it strongly reminded me of Ellis somewhat strongly.

    The closest yet I've tried, leastways....

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