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Last Post 5/12/2012 12:46 PM by  lexa
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5/11/2012 12:40 AM
    What is the status of the ship? Rhea was a bit criptic about its status. Is that because the Creation Goddess or Mother Tiamat is now inhabiting Rhea's body?  How many of the Overlords actuallu died?
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    5/11/2012 1:06 PM
    Hi, Lexa

    The ship itself--not its consciousness--burned itself out to its constitute components.

    You're right...the consciousness or spirit of Tiamat now shares Rhea's mind.

    Only two Overlords survived...Marduk (Baron Cobalt) and Enlil.

    At some point, I'll get around to telling the tale of what really happened after the events depicted in Dark Goddess.
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    5/12/2012 12:46 PM
    I cannot wait to read that part of the story. I guess the competition for control has gotten far more desperate. I am also disappointed because I did not expect them to perish so quickly. Since only Marduk and Enlil survived it almost the returns the story to the beginning because the only featured Baron at the time was Cobalt/Marduk. Will he once again become the dominant villan or will he just disappear in your story or any Outlander story?
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