OK, since I already covered this in the DL series, now its high time for the OL series.
After skipping quite a few books after Ellis's leave-taking of this series, I decided to read this 'Stone God' story arc. I just finished the last last 4 books, ending with the latest, Sinister Genesis. (See my review here)
All these were written by Rik Hoskin, who is coming out with his 3rd DL very soon. (I hope for the best. Love the cover art, and the concept sounds interesting. The title suggests chron-jumping of some sort. My fingers are crossed!)
Even though i liked the last few OL books, there are these continuous running themes that irritate me to no end. I see absolutely no reason for these items that may be some of the reasons that OL has taken a HUGE backseat in recent years here. The fanbase seems to have diminished greatly, and almost no one here is talking about this once, beloved series. I am not here to bash it, but to only give my brutally honest opinions as a fan from the very beginning. It seems that I am all alone here of the long-time fans of this particular series, because i don't see any blogs or reviews of the more recent books. Why is this? Has ALL the old fans truly quit this series? 
OK, the things that drive me mad in the OL series are:
1: The 'anam-chara' theme. Overused and really has gone nowhere. When Ellis came out with this concept early on in the series, with all the flashbacks of the past, it was cool and kinda romantic. Everything pointed to the obvious: Kane and Brigid are star-crossed lovers. Now, they are just friends. Like that high school sweetheart that led you on, only to finally tell you she just wants to be friends.
2: Unnecessary risks: I've seen too many of these from both authors. The Cerberus warriors have too much to lose to take these, along with an armory at home base that this is just plain stupid and not needed. It comes off as harebrained antics and unbelievable. I know, I know, its an action/adventure series. But an author doesn't need to do this. Make the risks a MUST!
3: The Cerberus warriors having become like the American government - the World Police. Overall, this is a fun and exciting concept, but when you have alien overlords on the ropes at this point, why go to Mexico for some stones? Why are they always 'reacting' to danger from the snake peeps, and not just go on the offensive for once? Like America did with Bin Laden - hunt them down and slay them! Take the bull by the horns. Forget others woes around the world, and just go to the main and biggest threat.