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Last Post 11/2/2013 10:28 AM by  Maximus
Outlanders 66 - Immortal Twilight
 5 Replies
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

2/2/2013 9:19 AM

    This is the official thread for comments on Outlanders #66 - Immortal Twilight

    The bibliography page is located HERE

    You can submit your own review HERE

    Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Advanced Member
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    2/2/2013 9:46 AM
    Cool and interesting cover art. Nice colors. Been at least ten books since Kane has been on a cover. Brigid and Grant have been on most of them for the last couple of years.
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    9/10/2013 5:52 PM

    It is a terrific cover and it reflects the quality of the book, my favourite Outlanders since Oblivion Stone. The most impressive quality of this latest instalment of the Outlanders saga is its wide range. Starting off in a secret laboratory in Victorian England, we then race to grave robbers in the post-apocalyptic future before the story then kicks in a Matrix-style adventure inside and outside a virtual world. All that is before the main plot, a battle between our heroes and four super powered steampunk warriors. It's an imaginative, exhilarating ride that also swings between scenes of eccentric humour and shockingly brutal horror. Happily Rik Hoskin is more than experienced and skilful enough to blend these extremes into one effective pulp adventure.

    The three series regulars are all written particularly well. Kane and Brigid banter more than normal whilst Grant's relationship with the Japanese warrior Shizuka reveals a softer side to him than we normally see. Chief villains the Dorians are excellent new enemies. Two beautiful couples who talk like characters from an Oscar Wilde play, highly-educated, have super strength and agility, and wholly sociopathic. They have a splendid collection of steampunk weaponry too as well as that deriguer piece of Jules Verne SF furniture – the well-armed airship, which I appreciated. What I also found impressive is that having set up such formidable opponents, at the action-packed climax the author equips Kane and his friends with a believable method of defeating them that feels satisfying but I did not predict it.


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    Advanced Member

    9/11/2013 11:01 AM

    I totally agree with your 1st paragraph.


    But not all of your 2nd. 

    Why? Because the laws of physics was thrown out the window in the climatic battle ending. When Grant throws Shizuka's katana upwards, while dangling on a rope in mid-air, supposedly with a battered shoulder, he somehow has the strength of the superhuman he is battling to not only defy the very laws of gravity by throwing the sword straight and true - but to have the impetus to skewer him all the way through, until he is lifted up and pinned to the roof of the balloon ship?!

    Then they crash land amongst redwood trees, and don't get a scratch? Really?!

    And you stated that the 'banter' between Kane and Brigid is some of the best? Really? Banter?

    Is it me, or does the rest of you red-blooded males out there laugh that Kane, after years and years of books, multiple years gone by, that he never even TRIES TO GET LAID! Not even a Captain Kirk type quickie with ANY woman in the series. Gee, how about a story for once on Kane falling for someone? How about love? Then lose her in a dramatic the very least!


    The anam chara thing has run its course, oh sooo long ago. Everyone around Kane and Brigid are allowed to find love - or at the very least - get laid. Including old timer Lakesh!


    But Kane and Brigid are forbidden? Totally unrealistic, in regards of moving on with their relationship - in ANY meaningful way.


    What red-blooded real man fan out there if he were Kane would not - at the very least! - try to talk Frigid Brigid into a little something something on the side? OK, you don't want them to actually fall in love and get married. How about just have sex on the side? Or with at least with the newcomer badss Mexican lady, Rosalia? Or with one of the numerous females ANYWHERE in this series?

    New Member
    New Member

    11/1/2013 6:21 PM

    I am in total agreement with Maximus about Kane. Although I have to admit, I am curious as to the method Kane was using to blow off steam whenever he visited Sky Dog’s tribe and why he never seemed to invite Grant or Brigid.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    11/2/2013 10:28 AM

    Thank you Lexa!

     Bout time someone chimes in about this constant glaring issue with Kane and Brigid.

    After soooo many books, their relationship has turned to 'just good soulful friends.'

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