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Last Post 6/1/2012 11:27 PM by  SP
Deathlands Slang
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Basic Member
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5/14/2012 10:55 PM
I thought he did, but I try to avoid reading his books. I find I retain more of my IQ that way.
Basic Member
Basic Member

5/31/2012 3:32 PM

Read Perdition Valley on Sunday and came across a new one.

Locals were calling outlander's 'rist', I assume this is DL slang for 'tourist'? Can anyone confirm? I don't have the book before it as I imagine it was explained. Maybe not though.



Basic Member
Basic Member

5/31/2012 5:01 PM
Heh. Nevermind, I am reading Desert Kings and it explains it on page 261. Quite a few books after Perdition valley. Wierd timing.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

6/1/2012 9:53 PM
How are you liking Desert Kings SP? I quite liked it even if it goes a bit awry towards the end?
Basic Member
Basic Member

6/1/2012 11:27 PM

I finished it yesterday, and I really liked it. Bye, Bye Delphi! Although the explanation of them just dissapearing at the end in Siberia and then back in the Deathlands was rather lackluster. Also just read Dark Resurrection today as a matter of fact, another good book that needed some closure IMHO.


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