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Last Post 4/17/2012 3:37 PM by  Maximus
A path not taken
 5 Replies
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New Member
New Member

4/14/2012 8:16 PM

    The band of killers in shockscape seemed the opposite of the deathlands six, (or was it seven?) and it would have been great to read more encounters with them as recurring characters. They would have been a capable thorn in the side of Ryan and the gang. They seemed so diverse and interesting, it was a shame that they perished so quickly. 

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    4/15/2012 11:11 PM
    Have not read this one yet but i'm sure they would hae made colourful character's.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    4/16/2012 5:51 AM

    I don't remember a band of killers in Shockscape.


    But, then again, its been a loooong time since I read that one.

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    4/17/2012 12:51 AM
    The summary mentions them, briefly. It was five men and a woman, and yeah - they were pretty unique characters. One of them was even a mutie.
    New Member
    New Member

    4/17/2012 1:20 PM
    Yeah, what circumstances brought them to travel together, I wonder? The mutie carried a .22 target pistol, "a specialists weapon" as it was referred to, I'd assume he was an assassin or sharpshooter for his group. He didn't even get to use it.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    4/17/2012 3:37 PM
    Hmmm, surprised I don't remember this group. I wished the DL comrades actually ran into more cohesive small units much like themselves.
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