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Last Post 5/26/2012 1:24 AM by  darkravenangel
Goriest DL book??
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4/23/2012 5:14 AM
    An odd topic...just curious what is considered the goriest/most OTT installment of Deathlands.  I remember when this series debuted (at the time I subscribed to Gold Eagle...but the bastards never included Deathlands in the bi-monthly package!!), but believe it or not I've never actually read a volume of it.  However as a connoisseur of insane trash fiction, I'd love to know which DL book(s) packs the most punch.  
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    4/24/2012 6:54 PM
    There all pretty brutal. But they are tame compared to some of the novels i've read over the years. American Psycho anyone?
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    4/24/2012 9:36 PM

    Most goriest DL?


    Hmmm, just about all of them are full of slaughter and much pain.


    I can't think of any single one that sticks out in that category.

    The Phantom
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    4/25/2012 6:42 PM

    I would say out of the books I've read that Moon Fate would be one to mention, as well as the stickie invasion of the book Skydark.

    I don't know about any of the books written after Starfall though.

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    5/25/2012 7:51 PM

    I remember Dark carnival being particularly unsettling. As the prospect of teenage sadists "Night creeping" a retirement complex and hacking up old people for sport was sort of "Out there" as far as the DL series goes...


    New Member
    New Member

    5/26/2012 1:15 AM
    You said the word gory. I love Death Metal music and horror movies/novels and gore is used a lot thereso  when I personally think GORY. 4 books stand out( as someone mentiones DL as a whole is gory not any particular book but here goes 1: BLOODLINES (obviously, it was full of vampires and blood I understand some might argue that it was not that GORY, but once again, DL AS A WHOLE is gory Im just trying to find spots of Extreme gore that produced a punch) 2nd Pilgrimage to Hell  Cort Strasser+pigs+insanity+power+ Doc Tanner=A Cannibal Corpse album cover.  3rd Red Holocaust that rape scene with the woman dominating once again one may say Gore one may say Extreme Russkie surfing. All opinion. The 4th well, I just want to throw one strange one out there  I cant remember what book it was but Ryan had a dream where Lori Quint( who was dead) had makeup running down her cheeks and looked very scary and was tortuing him as Ryan was pleading with her to stop. Screw Trader Im going to plead, Ryan thought before he woke up from the dream (jump dream? I freaking LOVEEEEEEEEE jump dreams, GENNIUUUSSSSS Mr. James! Although he may not have been the original to come up with that, thats ok),. I though that "packed a punch." There you go. LOL!!
    New Member
    New Member

    5/26/2012 1:24 AM
    What about the Russian night kids from Red Equinox(another gory book ? I thought they were a little more brutal then the dreemed up kids from Walt Disney World, although Skyy was good (Docs lover in that book) 
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