Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
5/1/2012 12:23 PM |
This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands #107 - No Man's Land
The bibliography page is located HERE
You can submit your own review HERE
Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Maximus Advanced Member Posts:518  
5/1/2012 3:54 PM |
Hmmm, no pic or info?
No idea who is penning this one?
The next 3 DL's look and sound very interesting. I really hope Andy Boot gives us another solid DL like his last one. And Milan's next 2 after that sound very cool. Man, I hope he knocks it out of the park with those. 
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
5/1/2012 3:58 PM |
I do have a cover for this one, but I am not cleared to release it quite yet. No idea who the author is. The cover is... mediocre. It's a gunfighter standoff thing, with the bad guy framed beneath Ryan's crotch. So, I mean, hey, you get to stare at Ryan's ass while the bad guy appears to be sniffing his junk. Whee.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
5/1/2012 4:04 PM |
There, I just added the back cover copy so you can at least get a sense of the story.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Maximus Advanced Member Posts:518  
5/1/2012 5:33 PM |
Thanks alot Ron!
The synopsis sounds very westerny. But the earliest books were written very post-holocaust western-like feel to it anyway. So I don't mind this look and feel towards that...if the storyline is good.
Sounds like this gunslinger is a mutie. Is the man squaring off against Ryan look like a mutie...or just a norm? 
silentalbino Advanced Member Posts:742  
5/2/2012 2:12 PM |
Just read the back of the cover, sound's good to me.
Timbermountain New Member Posts:9  
5/14/2012 10:28 PM |
Now that we've had a chance to read the most recent Andy Boot...I "can only hope" the next one is wayyyyyyyy better.
Maximus Advanced Member Posts:518  
5/15/2012 6:52 AM |
So Ron, whats the skinny on who is writing this one?
God, I hope Victor Milan brings on his A-game in these next 2 DL books!!
vcoolwater New Member Posts:4  
5/15/2012 8:43 PM |
Maybe it is Nick Pollotta . According to his website, his next Deathlands is called "Sins of Honor". The title seems to fit with the Western theme of this book. If it is, Gold Eagle should have kept that title instead of "No Man's Land"
7/1/2012 9:59 PM |
I am very much looking forward to this book most of all. It's about time someone came up with the whole bounty hunter/Assassin/gunslinger theme for trying to take out Ryan, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
*I also can't get that "Dog the bounty hunter" episode of South Park outta my head...
vcoolwater New Member Posts:4  
9/13/2012 10:15 PM |
I guess we still don't know who the "real" author for the book. Anyway I stumble across this on Google Books. Here is a preview of No Man's Land. Maybe someone can figure it out by reading some excerpts from the book
Maximus Advanced Member Posts:518  
9/14/2012 11:36 AM |
Well, after reading that boring excerpt, I'd put money on this is Nick Polatta or Andy Boot. 
More Pollatta, though. 
Kerrick Basic Member Posts:322  
9/14/2012 8:11 PM |
It's Pollotta. He makes a reference to "weps" on page 149. No, I didn't actually read that far... I started skimming it after page 10 or so.
RPGjunkie New Member Posts:35  
9/27/2012 11:37 PM |
By delving into some of the older threads I've learned that it is possible to order books from GE before they're released in stores. Since I'm eager to read No Man's Land, I'm wondering how I would go about ordering it, and how GE would accept payment. Is a money order okay? Is it possible to order older novels in the series? Is this service even offered anymore? So, if anyone knows the answers to these questions, please let me know.
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
9/27/2012 11:42 PM |
You can find contact info for Gold Eagle (phone, email, address) on this website by going to About > Contact Info
I am sure Reader's Service will be able to set you up.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
silentalbino Advanced Member Posts:742  
10/2/2012 4:46 AM |
Is this out already???? Crimson waters only came out last month?????
Grantbo New Member Posts:46  
11/6/2012 12:39 AM |
Solid story--overall.
I've noticed that the last few books have a lot of verbiage from the point of view of Mildred. While this has more thoroughly developed her character, it has left out the others (which I find more interesting since their point of view is alien to 20th century Mildreds).
The story become implausible over time with the many battles fought without any of the characters getting hurt. 20 crack horsemen against them and the only ones hurt are the horsemen? No matter how good they are or how well they fight together all that lead flying around had to have hit someone; maybe even their horses. The final battles at the little ant hills are another example of this. I think that the author could’ve made this more realistic if ½ the party had been shot up while the other ½ carried them to safety.
I’ll give this a 7.5.

Maximus Advanced Member Posts:518  
11/6/2012 1:18 AM |
Just got my copy today.
Kerrick Basic Member Posts:322  
11/11/2012 4:09 PM |
Not bad, but... WTF is "scabbie"?? Last I checked, a scabbie is a type of mutie (well, technically speaking, it's anyone suffering from skin disease, but let's not split hairs...). I mean, I know what he means - it's "scavenge", as in the noun form of the word, meaning "anything that is found and put to use". "Scavvie" has long been in the DL parlance, meaning "scavenger" (and I believe "scav" was the word for items found), but "scabbie"? Blech.
twinsrule26 Basic Member Posts:109  
12/26/2012 2:28 AM |
Posted By Kerrick on 11/11/2012 4:09:52 PM
Not bad, but... WTF is "scabbie"?? Last I checked, a scabbie is a type of mutie (well, technically speaking, it's anyone suffering from skin disease, but let's not split hairs...). I mean, I know what he means - it's "scavenge", as in the noun form of the word, meaning "anything that is found and put to use". "Scavvie" has long been in the DL parlance, meaning "scavenger" (and I believe "scav" was the word for items found), but "scabbie"? Blech.
I have to agree with you Scabbie was a huge mistake .
To me the other big mistake was the use of only Civil war era types of weapons and tactics only .I Can't believe that two huge armies didn't have any modern types of weapons or modern methods of warfare.. I mean if two bit barons can have machine guns in other areas of the Deathlands where were they in this war zone ? Where were the Armored wags so popular in other areas of the Deathlands
The bullet proof team is another gaff if you ask me ,true Ryan did get shot but even then it seemed like it was not a debilitating wound.
But all in all I enjoyed the story, I just wish the story had told us if the redoubt had been able to reload the teams stock pile of ammo, food etc.