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Last Post 5/3/2013 6:48 PM by  Maximus
Nick Pollota
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2/10/2013 12:52 AM

    So, I just learned that Nick Pollota has cancer. Apperently it is not responding to chemo, his kidneys are shot and he's on dialysis every day. (from his facebook page).

    That sucks. His books have never let me down, despite my reservations about his passion for the series.

    No matter what you may think of his writing, he is an artist who's work has made us happy... I wish him all the best. DL will not be the same without him. (and that's bad.) Pull through nick!

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    2/10/2013 11:24 AM
    I'm not a fan of Nicks work but I have to wish him all the best and hope that the treatment he is receiving does the job and he recovers.

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    2/10/2013 11:44 AM

    I concur, Jim.


    I am truly sorry to hear about Nick Polatta's sickness. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


    Although it is no secret here about who likes his work and who doesn't, speaking strictly for myself, I really liked his early work in the series. Such titles as Savage Armada, Devil Riders, and Bloodfire are just a few of his early works that I really enjoyed reading.

    My best hopes and wishes go out to him.

    New Member
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    2/10/2013 11:37 PM

    The one thing Nick Pollota brings to the series is that he knows how to write action. Some of his early works were great, even his Dean returns book didn't suck but I hated the ending. I get that it was dramatic, but it was so ugly. I mean really ugly.

    Many of his plots were weak, but I view him as the Micheal Bay of Deathlands. I think he makes assumptions about the readers that may not be true.

    His books do deliver though, I am carried through to the end most of the time without stopping to question what happens until after it's over.

    I hope he pulls through, I would rather have him writing books I complain about than not writing at all. He knows his craft on a fundamental level. He is a really good pulp writer, and despite what people think of pulp it's not that easy. Lester Dent made a formula for it that I as an amature writer have trouble keeping to. Nick does it seemingly without breaking a sweat, and there in lies the magic.


    He is on facebook, friend him and send him good wishes if you wish to.



    Advanced Member
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    2/11/2013 8:43 AM
    Hopefully he can beat this terrible affliction, all the best Nick.
    Ron Miles
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    2/11/2013 9:10 AM
    That's really a shame. I watched my father be slowly taken away by cancer, and a few friends as well. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

    I wish Nick nothing but the best. I hope he has close friends and family to give him support and encouragement.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    2/12/2013 10:41 AM
    My heart goes out to Nick Pollota and his family. I will keep him in my prayers.
    Basic Member
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    2/13/2013 3:55 AM
    Man I wish him well . I have enjoyed reading his books in the DL World . I enjoy every book in the DL world as they all take me away from this humdrum world and let me live in a world where you can solve almost any problem with the shot of a gun or the smack of a fist, unlike this world where those options would get you time in jail.
    Nick helped make that world come to life for me and to hear he is battling the big C sucks big time. Kick its butt Nick Good luck.
    New Member
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    4/18/2013 11:21 PM
    I learned that Nick Pollotta passed away a few days ago. I'm greatly saddened by this, as I thought his DL novels were a lot of fun. His Bolan novels were also quite excellent.
    Cosmic Rich
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    4/30/2013 6:52 PM
    Nick was a very funny. Guy. We were chatting to him at one of the local conventions here in Chicago when he came by our booth and signed his books. He told us he'd turned up at a truck stop. The girl working there said to him, you know the truck stop is really just for truckers. In reply he asked if they sold James Axler stuff. Of course they did, at which point he told her he was one of the James Axlers ;-) She got right on the CB and a bunch of truckers showed up and got there stuff signed/chatted to him. Apparently one of Nicks former jobs was trucker so he fit right in.

    Fantastic sense of Humor. If you ever see the Phil Foglio Graphic novels about Buck Godot, you see that the character is based on Nick.

    Advanced Member
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    5/3/2013 6:48 PM
    Just got my copy of Nick's last DL: Sins of Honor, along with OL: Sorrow Space today.
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