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Last Post 4/3/2013 6:34 PM by  silentalbino
Deathlands TV series...
 24 Replies
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Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/3/2013 10:28 AM
Hollywood sucks ass. WHY do they need to go anywhere near Escape from New York. Pointless!
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/3/2013 11:00 AM

I agree with you to a point.


Sometimes, but not often, Hollywood CAN make an old classic better. There are writers and directors out there that could take this franchise and create an awesome, up-to-date Escape from NY.


But it would have to be in the right hands. A great, top-of-the-line script writer and solid director could make this franchise to new levels, even out of the B-movie genre and make it as big and bold as A-list movies like Star Trek and Star Wars. (Well, the older ones, at least.)

Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/3/2013 12:19 PM
If they could make it as good as the last Star Trek film that would be good. My missus even liked it and that say's something.
Basic Member
Basic Member

4/3/2013 5:38 PM
didn't Harry also play in Cool Hand Luke?Damn,how old is he now?
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

4/3/2013 6:34 PM
According to Wikipedia he is 86! He was also in Godfather part 2. To me he seems to nice to be the Trader at least the Trader in the later books.
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