Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 1/8/2014 5:32:09 PM
You know, it's funny, Jim. These days I can't figure out what the readers will like. Sometimes I'm so far off base it's unreal. I thought everyone would not like Nemesis, but that's not the case. I thought readers would like Motherlode, but by and large they don't.
I think the problem for me is that writers now
trying to fit 700 plus pages of story into just over 300 and loosing there way after 200 pages then rushing to get it finished. They cut corners and forget about arcs they opened on page 35 or so.
They keep writing the same story but with different character bad guys again and again and again ad nausium! Yes stick with formula that GE want but think out of the box.
Stop making the characters do stupid things or get themselves caught out in situations that just scream TRAP that even the most unskilled people can see.
Go back and see how LJ and Mark did it and learn that this is what made the series (both DL and OL) what they are and readers coming back for more. If a store only sold two types of pizza how long would it be before you got bored of it and went someplace else?
Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
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