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Last Post 7/1/2014 6:20 AM by  silentalbino
Where's a good jumping on point?
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7/1/2014 4:55 AM

    So 118 books in the series is quite a daunting thing to look at when wanting to jump in.

     I've read (well listened to) #00 Encounter and #01 Pilgrimage to Hell from Graphic Audio a few years ago and just kind of stopped because I wanted to read them on my Kindle, but of course they aren't in eBook format.

    Any ideas on a jumping on point where they sell in eBook format?

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    7/1/2014 6:20 AM

    Welcome aboard.
    Just had a look on and and I believe the earliest is "Remember Tomorrow".
    I would highly recommend getting the first eight books because they introduce the main characters with the exception of Ricky.
    I would give "Palace of Light" a body swerve as it is considered one of the worst DL books.
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