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Last Post 9/25/2014 4:22 PM by  Randarchist
What next?
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Basic Member
Basic Member

9/25/2014 12:44 PM
    I just started reading the series again after a long break. Picked up Damnation Road Show on Google Play books and enjoyed it. Got enough spare change to get another, so any suggestions for a what to read next, or what to avoid?
    New Member
    New Member

    9/25/2014 2:49 PM

    I too started the series again after a long long break from the series. I figured the easiest thing to do was get the book list in the order they came out (buy a few here a few there). The list is in order under the Books, print it out and buy at will. So far I have all except maybe 10 of them. Good luck, Good reading my friend.


    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/25/2014 4:22 PM
    Thanks, brother. Some of the comments others have made here left me with reservations.
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